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The City of Sydney has released the results from their 2021 active transport survey with some exciting results for bike riders.


New Infrastructure

Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, the City of Sydney has opened a number of pop-up cycleways along with a new two-way cycleway along Saunders and Miller Streets in Pyrmont, completing a safe bike route between the Anzac Bridge and the city centre.

In doing so, they have extended their safe and connecting cycleway network making it easier to bike ride through the Sydney CBD than ever before. 

2021 Survey Results 

In a four year period, the City of Sydney has dramatically improved things for bike riders and the results show this. 

18% of residents regularly cycle their bike now, compared to just 7% in 2017. Of that number, 53% of regular riders have started cycling in the past two years, up from 34% in 2017.

86% of people felt confident riding on the streets and there has also been a 11% decrease in infrequent riders deciding not to cycle as the road is too dangerous. 

18% of respondents did own a bike and used it at least once a month, up from 7% in 2017.  But 68% of potential riders (people who don’t currently have a bicycle), were definitely more likely to ride with separated bike paths available to them.

52% started riding after finding good places or routes to ride, more than double past surveys.


“The City of Sydney is leading the charge in NSW in creating a safe and connected bicycle network. It’s challenging to push the bike agenda however it’s clear that when you do build the infrastructure correctly, people will start riding,” said Kim Lavender, Bicycle NSW Communications Manager. 


We encourage you to share this article with your local council or MP to show them that building bicycle infrastructure encourages more people to cycle. 

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