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Bicycle NSW worked hard to seek an engineered solution and advocate for safer light rail for bike riders.

Transport for NSW Calling For A Tender

We are pleased to share the Transport for NSW tender advertisement calling for submissions from people who design and manufacture solutions.  With light rail in Newcastle, Sydney and soon to be in Parramatta, this is something that impacts people across NSW.

These Tracks Don't Just Trap Bike Tyres

The gaps in light rail tracks don’t just trap bike tyres, prams and wheelchair wheels could also become stuck.  When light rail projects result in dismount requirements at intersections, they create a hazard for parents with child passengers on bikes because dismounting increases the risk of a bike toppling over and children being hurt.

Meeting with SafeRails inventors confirmed that there are better alternatives to dismounts and banning bikes from light rail corridors.

“We’re pleased to see efforts to identify an engineering solution that will make light rail tracks safer for bike riders, parents with prams and wheelchair users,” said Bicycle NSW General Manager of Public Affairs, Bastien Wallace.

“We appreciate the support of our members who have enabled us to advocate for safe rideable ways to travel around light rail,” said Bastien.

We encourage members to share this article with anyone who may be interested in responding to the tender opportunity.

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