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Once the bike touring bug has bitten, many riders look beyond Australian shores for new experiences. Cycling is the best way to soak up the sound and sights of different countries and cultures.  The pace is ‘just-right’ and you can forge real connections with the people and places you pass.

The articles here and here offer a plethora of ride ideas that will make you want to pack your bags and box your bike NOW!

Or check out New Zealand’s Great Rides, which showcase some of New Zealand’s most amazing landscapes. The 23 routes are mostly off-road. It’s an exciting and environmentally sustainable way to reach must-see sights and activities.

Further afield, EuroVelo is a network of 17 long-distance cycle routes that cross Europe. The routes are used by long-distance cycle tourists, as well as by local people making daily journeys.

Of course, foreign holidays often involve city stays. And cities are best explored on two wheels. Start planning your next city break with this recent study of the world’s most bike-friendly cities.

We haven’t had many articles from overseas recently. But now that Australians are travelling again we are sure there must be some great tales to share! Please let us know if you would like to document a recent trip for our blog.

An aerial view of the connection to the existing cycleway.
Europe is an exciting continent for a cycling adventure, filled with breathtaking landscapes, diverse cultures, and unforgettable experiences. To ensure Read more
Share bike lessons from Taiwan
Bike share schemes have become a key component of transport systems in many cities around the world over the last Read more
New friends from Japan in the garden with Francis O’Neill and Sarah Bickford of Bicycle NSW
Bicycle NSW just had a meeting with a delegation from the Ministry of Tourism, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. They did not Read more
Summer cycling along the Canal St Martin
And just a few growing pains.... Our Bike Planner travelled to Europe for the first time since borders closed early Read more
Bicycle NSW attended the launch of the 2022 Sustainable Cities Index hosted by the Committee for Sydney. Global consultancy Arcadis Read more