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There are many issues that leave bike riders feeling angry, sad and frustrated.  Sometimes Bicycle NSW does not voice these emotions, but it does not mean we are ignoring the issue.

We have outlined below a few reasons why Bicycle NSW does not comment on certain topics.


1. Being respectful to family and friends

Campaigning when someone has been injured or killed can be hurtful to friends and family. Bicycle NSW endeavours to respect everyone involved at these difficult times.  


2. Not infringing on legal proceedings

The right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence means sometimes public comment and campaigning needs to wait until after legal proceedings have finished.  

As Queensland’s Integrity Commission examines the enforcement of safe passing laws or the Coroner considers evidence and makes findings in the Mike Hall inquest, Bicycle NSW needs to wait for the outcome before commenting publicly. Bicycle NSW does not want to infringe on the integrity of these investigations.


3. Avoiding unhelpful language

Following the death of Cameron Frewer, News Corp’s said they’d highlight his legacy and issues related to road safety in an article titled: War of words between cyclists and motorists rages on after safety activist Cameron Frewer’s death.

Cameron’s message needs to be publicised, but how we do that is important. Describing road use as a ‘war’ or ‘battle’ is unhelpful, and could even imply you want casualties or conflict. Bicycle NSW avoids using this type of inflammatory language and we call on journalists to stop – it is not making riding safer.


“Even when it’s not the right time to speak out about a meeting we’re having, or particular case, that doesn’t mean the work stops,” said Bicycle NSW CEO, Alistair Ferguson. “We work with government, police and a range of stakeholders to keep pushing for things that improve bike riding in NSW,” said Alistair.

Over the coming weeks Bicycle NSW will provide more tools and content for anyone looking to campaign on local issues.

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