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A coffee stop at Sawtell where Peter (right) met members of Dorrigo Urunga Bellingen BUG (DUBBUG) and Coffs BUG (Image: Bicycle NSW)

Bicycle NSW on Tour in Regional NSW

Bicycle NSW CEO Peter McLean has recently spent a very busy week traversing the New England and Mid North Coast regions of NSW. First up was two full days sharing ideas and debating issues with hundreds of fellow councillors at the Local Government NSW Annual Conference in Tamworth. Peter was re-elected in September as an

Some of the state’s councillors at the Local Government Conference in Tamworth, November 2024. Many were brand new to the job of representing their communities and full of enthusiasm! (Image: Jess Whittaker)

How to Influence Councils for Better Active Transport

Right NOW is a great time to get involved in local government advocacy!  Across New South Wales, our recently elected councillors are reviewing strategic documents that will influence decision-making about infrastructure delivery over the next four years and beyond. Volunteer content writer Monique Ewen spoke to some councillors to find out how community advocates can

Current NCM members at a recent event

Unleashing the Newcastle Cycleways Movement

Advocacy by Bicycle User Groups is incredibly important to getting good outcomes for bike riders. BUG members have deep local knowledge of issues and opportunities in their areas. Their dedication to improving NSW for bike riding multiplies the efforts of Bicycle NSW many times over. Without their help, there is no way our tiny team

Willoughby councillor Michelle Chuang

Post-Election Wrap: The Power of Local Advocacy

First up, huge thanks to all of our Bicycle User Group volunteers who have made the Bicycle NSW Council Election campaign such a resounding success.  We were so pleased that 111 of our 200 candidates (56%) who pledged to be a #CouncillorForActiveTransport were elected into office.  The clear mandate for active transport was not a

The Mascot Out and Back group ride on Saturday 14th September

How Bike North Activ8-ed September

Sydney experienced a cold winter and many of Bicycle User Group Bike North’s 500 members put their bikes away for a few weeks. But by September, it was, as the Beatles song went, ‘Here Comes The Sun’ with temperatures approaching 30 degrees on some days. The Bike North Executive decided to launch a promotion under


Ride To Work Day Leaders Registration

Celebrate Ride To Work Day with Bicycle NSW on Wednesday 16th October  Register Below REGISTER YOUR AVAILABILITY Bicycle New South Wales, with the invaluable support of our Bicycle User Groups, has had the good fortune of conducting Ride To Work Day group rides into the CBD for the past two years. The feedback has consistently

Over eighties participants in the recent over eighties SBUG 80 KM ride.

Shoalhaven BUG Rides Into June

Bicycle New South Wales Bicycle User Groups, commonly known as BUGs, are community-based collectives of cycling enthusiasts who regularly meet for social rides in their locality. June was an eventful month for the Shoalhaven BUG, marked by three significant occasions. 19th June 80km Ride On Wednesday, 19th, the Shoalhaven BUG completed an 80km ride, led

Join the Tour De Central Coast 2024

How the Central Coast’s BUG began…. Two cycling commuters had a friendly conversation about bike riding on the NSW Central Coast on a Hornsby train platform in late 2012. Soon after, a handful of Central Coast riders got together over coffee to talk about the issues for bicycle users in the region. Following a series


Illawarra Ramblers Victorian Rail Trail Adventure

E-Bikes made it possible to explore over 500 kms in ten rides Last month 25 Illawarra Ramblers took a sixteen day trip through Victoria’s rail trails. Electric bikes were a popular choice as the pedal assist allowed riders to take on much longer and, more interesting rides. Ride leaders are a crucial part of any

BUGS Improving Rider Safety

BUGS Improving Rider Safety

One of the most important goals for Bicycle NSW is to ‘create a better environment for all bicycle riders.’ In working towards this objective, rider safety on the roads has been a key focus for our team over many years. Minimum Passing Distance (MPD) legislation was introduced in NSW in 2018 after a long advocacy campaign by Bicycle