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A town centre under the expressway

Bangkok is Better Than Expected for Bikes!

Would you cycle in Bangkok? Bangkok pulsates with energy and attracts millions of visitors every year. There are historic temples, bustling markets, vibrant street food on every corner, hip bars and glossy shopping malls. However, the city is notorious for its intense traffic congestion, elevated highways and hectic streets dominated by a sea of motorbikes.

The New Manual for Designing Roads and Streets

For 70 years, planners and engineers have prioritised the movement and storage of private vehicles when designing our roads and streets. Car-dominated streets are so normal that most people in the community can’t imagine things being any other way. But roads and streets are for everyone! And to help designers, planners, state government and local

An aerial view of the connection to the existing cycleway.

Final Designs for the Harbour Bridge Ramp

And its underway! Commuters who ride across the Sydney Harbour Bridge will have noticed the two large construction compounds at Milsons Point. These are, of course, for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Cycleway northern access ramp.  After 4 decades of advocacy, the delivery of this key missing link in the city’s cycling network is getting closer!

Reflections from Melbourne’s Bike Paths: Part Two

The Bicycle NSW tour of some of Melbourne’s best bike paths provided far too many insights for one article. This is the second instalment of reflections on how our southern neighbours are developing a safe and cohesive network. For Part One, head here. Melbourne has some impressive protected roundabouts Moray Street in South Melbourne has

A very Melbourne intersection

Reflections from Melbourne’s Bike Paths: Part One

Bicycle NSW recently visited Melbourne for a long weekend and cycled far and wide across the city. It was fascinating to experience first-hand the different approaches to developing a bike network south of the border. A very Melbourne intersection where the Napier Street route crosses busy Queens Parade in Fitzroy North (Bicycle NSW)  The Capital

A concept for a separated cycleway connecting the southern end of the Harbour Bridge cycleway with Kent Street

Campaign Ramps Up on the South Side of the Bridge

The northern access ramp for the Sydney Harbour Bridge cycleway is finally on site! It has taken four decades of advocacy from Bicycle NSW, Bike North and countless community members. The days of hauling your bike up 55 steps from Milsons Point should be over by the end of 2025.   However, the southern side provides

The Lord Mayor donned a hard hat

A Clear Mandate for Active Transport

The local government election results are coming in thick and fast. And all indicators show strong community support for walking, cycling and better streets.  While we haven’t yet analysed the final results across NSW to understand the impact of our 2024 Council Election campaign to find #CouncillorsForActiveTransport, Bicycle NSW is feeling positive!  Despite this, the

Country scenery

New Paths Wind Through Lake Macquarie

Some fabulous new active transport links are ready to explore in Lake Macquarie. These paths augment Lake Macquarie’s extensive network of tracks, trails and off-road shared pathways, and provide more opportunities for walking and cycling – both for recreation and daily utility trips.  Lake Macquarie City Council is has an excellent Walking, Cycling and Better Streets

An artist’s impression of the new Mitchell Road intersection

Another Broken Promise from Transport for NSW

Bicycle NSW recently learned that an important cycleway connection, part of the exciting Sydney Park Junction project, has been quietly abandoned.   No official announcement or public consultation For many years, the community has been waiting for a makeover of the intersection of Sydney Park Road with Mitchell Road. This upgrade would provide a seamless, safe

Wagga tops 2024 City Ratings

Wagga Tops 2024 City Ratings

The 2024 City Ratings have been published for New South Wales. And the results show regional cities leaping ahead of the east coast metropolises in the rankings.  Wagga Wagga is the highest rated location for cycling, with a rating of 40 out of 100. This is followed closely by Albury-Wodonga on 38, and Kempsey on 37. Port