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Delivery riders waiting for the next job on a busy and narrow footpath

Recommendations From a Food Delivery Rider…

… who is also an urban planning graduate! Food delivery riders work in tough conditions in NSW.  Like all bike riders, they are faced with disconnected bike infrastructure which often provides no option but to mix with traffic.  The dangers are increased by the need to work at night, in poor weather conditions and under

The New Manual for Designing Roads and Streets

For 70 years, planners and engineers have prioritised the movement and storage of private vehicles when designing our roads and streets. Car-dominated streets are so normal that most people in the community can’t imagine things being any other way. But roads and streets are for everyone! And to help designers, planners, state government and local

Why ride to work?

Why Ride To Work?

(M) Rating: This article contains material for mature audiences! Better to ask, why wouldn’t you? Momentum Magazine ran an article on the top 10 reasons for riding to work. And the Bicycle Review Guru’s Michael Van Gerpen has a number of excellent additional thoughts. Based on these and the experiences of Bicycle NSW Members, here

The Lord Mayor donned a hard hat

A Clear Mandate for Active Transport

The local government election results are coming in thick and fast. And all indicators show strong community support for walking, cycling and better streets.  While we haven’t yet analysed the final results across NSW to understand the impact of our 2024 Council Election campaign to find #CouncillorsForActiveTransport, Bicycle NSW is feeling positive!  Despite this, the

An artist’s impression of the new Mitchell Road intersection

Another Broken Promise from Transport for NSW

Bicycle NSW recently learned that an important cycleway connection, part of the exciting Sydney Park Junction project, has been quietly abandoned.   No official announcement or public consultation For many years, the community has been waiting for a makeover of the intersection of Sydney Park Road with Mitchell Road. This upgrade would provide a seamless, safe

Why are people calling for 30km/h?

Why are people calling for 30km/h?

In July 2024, the City of Sydney announced that speed limits on all city streets would be reduced to a maximum of 40 km/h. This is part of a long-term plan to save lives on city streets, reduce emissions and increase liveability. Lower speed limits are a key action in the City of Sydney’s new

Geoff Hudson, a Greens candidate for Albury City Council, was quick to take the Bicycle NSW pledge to be a #CouncillorForActiveTransport.

The Myth-busting #CouncillorsFor ActiveTransport

Stereotypes dictate that only inner-city greenies and middle-aged men in Lycra care about cycling. But the Bicycle NSW council election campaign is finding otherwise!  Bicycle NSW wrote to all current councillors standing for re-election on September 14th to introduce our organisation and our key asks. We asked them to sign a pledge to be a #CouncillorForActiveTransport2024. There are

Share bike lessons from Taiwan

Share Bike Lessons from Taiwan

Bike share schemes have become a key component of transport systems in many cities around the world over the last 15 years. Public rental bikes fill gaps in the public transport network, provide ‘last mile’ accessibility, encourage people to try cycling, reduce car use and showcase a city to visitors.  However, the road to a

Zetland Avenue and Geddes Avenue connect people and places in the new town centre

Green Square Signals Fail Active Transport

Zetland Avenue and Geddes Avenue are new tree-lined boulevards in Green Square, the much-praised regeneration area 3km south of Sydney’s city centre. They have extra-wide footpaths, elegant bronze street furniture – and some extremely high-quality separated bicycle paths. Zetland Avenue and Geddes Avenue connect people and places in the new town centre, including community facilities such the

Bicycle helmet standards change

Bicycle Helmet Standards Change

And New South Wales has jumped on board! A few months ago, the Assistant Treasurer accepted the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) recommendation to adopt additional bicycle helmet standards in Australia.   Bicycle NSW is delighted to announce that Transport for NSW’s Safety, Environment & Regulation team has decided to approve the recommended standards following a