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Safety on Spokes Launch

Today, Bicycle NSW held an official launch, at NSW Parliament, for our Safety on Spokes road safety campaign. Safety On Spokes Launch attendees:  Left to Right: Christopher Gulaptis MP •  Bastien Wallace, GM of Public Affairs, Bicycle NSW Act Spt Benjamin McFarlane  • Bernard Carlon, Centre for Road Safety  • Alistair Ferguson, CEO, Bicycle NSW

Riding For Safer Cycling

Over 40 riders joined the 3rd NSW Safe Cycling Ride last weekend for a fun and educating ride.  Back in June, we caught up with Gina who is passionate about creating safer cycling. She came up with the idea to help humanise bike riders to encourage vehicles to provide safer distance when they overtake riders.

15,000 Trips Weekly For Sydney’s Pop-Ups

Over 10km of pop-up bike lanes have been delivered around Sydney’s CBD in a partnership between Transport for NSW and the City of Sydney. Sydney’s Pop-Up Cycleways A key public health measure, COVID-19 pop-up cycleways are designed to make it easier and safer to ride.  Transport for NSW has been implementing changes across the State’s

Safety on Spokes

Bicycle NSW is excited to announce we’re launching our Safety on Spokes campaign next week. 2 Months of Safety On Spokes  This campaign will run over a 2 months covering a range of bike related safety topics from safe passing to the door zone to breaking down the current NSW bike laws.  Week 1 –

Wollongong’s Cycling Future

Next Monday (June 29) the future of bike riding in Wollongong will be voted on by the local council. COVID-19 Pandemic has created an unprecedented time and there have been calls across the state for more infrastructure and support for bike riding.  Firstly, as a way to exercise when many gyms and sporting activities were