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How we choose to travel can make a big difference to our health, quality of life and life expectancy.  Media reports of accidents may lead people to avoid cycling and active transport, which have enormous health benefits.

Only one third of Australians are active enough according to health guidelines. People who aren’t physically active enough for health increase their risk of diabetes, several cancers dementia, coronary heart disease and stroke.  1 in 6 Australians will die as a result of inactivity and another 1 of those 6 will have a serious health event as a result of inactivity. Choosing that 30 minute ride or walk to work reduces this risk by 26%.

Sitting too much is a higher risk activity than getting on your bike.

We know that NSW cycling rates have fallen, except in areas where separated infrastructure has been built.  Figures from Brisbane also show women are more likely to ride where it is provided.

Bicycle NSW General Manager of Public Affairs Bastien Wallace said: “NSW transport plans feature cycling infrastructure, and we know more trips by bike will help congestion and public health.  We call on government to turn those plans into a reality.”


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