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Getting your first bike is exciting! There is a few things to do before you can ride it though. To comply with the NSW law you must have:

  • at least one effective brake
  • a bell, horn, or similar device in working order


If you are planning to ride at night or in  hazardous weather conditions, you must also have:

(a) a flashing or steady white light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the front of the bicycle, and
(b) a flashing or steady red light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the rear of the bicycle, and
(c) a red reflector that is clearly visible for at least 50 metres from the rear of the bicycle when light is projected onto it by a vehicle’s headlight on low-beam.

However, Bicycle NSW recommends riders consider using a flashing light, front an rear during daylight hours as well.