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As a result of Bicycle NSW’s rich 40 year history and demonstrated track record in cycling advocacy in NSW, our role and position in this space is acknowledged by the many councils and committees we actively participate in. We are currently engaged in the following working groups, which further enable us to pro-actively lobby and influence from the ‘inside’.


NSW Road Safety Advisory Council: Includes - Minister for Roads, Transport & Freight and staff, NSW Police, Pedestrian Council, Parliamentary Staysafe Committee, NSW Motorcycle Council, Bicycle NSW (BNSW), Youthsafe, Vehicle groups, Local Government NSW, State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), Amy Gillett Foundation (AGF), Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and the Centre for Road Safety

City of Sydney Cycling Advisory Committee: Includes - Mayor and Councillors, Roads & Maritime Services (RMS), TfNSW, BNSW, BikeSydney, BikEast, Leichhardt BUG, Premier’s Council on Active Living

Parramatta City Council (PCC) Cycling Advisory Committee: Includes - PCC Staff, BNSW, Western Sydney Cycling Network and CamWest Bicycle User Groups (BUGs)

Sydney Olympic Park Cycling Advisory Committee: Includes - Sydney Olympic Park Authority, BNSW; Department of Sport & Recreation, Park Bikes

Sydney Airport Cycling Forum (SACL): Includes - Sydney Airport Limited, RMS, TfNSW, Councils, BNSW, and BUGs

NSW Cycling Safety Plan Implementation Working Group: Includes - TfNSW, RMS, BNSW, AGF, Cycling NSW, NRMA, City of Sydney Council, State Insurance Regulatory Authority, NSW Police

Greater Sydney Commission - Social Panel. Working with other peak bodies to develop input to the District Plans to make Sydney a liveable and equitable city with healthy communities.