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Since May 18, Parramatta Park has created a section solely for pedestrians and bike riders. 

Named “The People’s Loop”, it’s aimed at providing a space where COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions can be followed without also having to watch out for motor vehicles. 

Bike Riders Consensus

This project has been in discussion since 2015 as numbers within the park have continued to increase. With many gyms and sporting facilities closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, Parramatta Park has seen a further uptake of people visiting the park and has fast tracked The People’s Loop project.

It has taken space normally dedicated to motor vehicles and repurposed it for bike riders and pedestrians to enjoy.  Creating this extra space allows for the adequate social distancing measures to be followed but also for more people to enjoy a safe, traffic free space.  

Bike Riders Consensus

This area closed to traffic is on a 2 month trial basis from 18 May to 19 July 2020. 

Parramatta Park understands the vital role parks play in supporting mental and physical health all the time, and not just through the COVID-19 Pandemic. They encourage visitors to The People’s Loop to complete this survey

“It is great to see parks around NSW support the increase of bike riders and pedestrians in public spaces. Creating traffic free areas will help keep our most vulnerable roads users safe,” commented Kim Lavender, Bicycle NSW Communications Manager. 

Bicycle NSW calls on councils and park managers to continue creating these safer spaces for bike riders and pedestrians after the COVID-19 social distancing restrictions ease. 

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