Bicycle NSW is pleased to share the results of our ongoing work with NSW Police in this internal education video.
Members regularly tell us about incidents of close passing in the road environment. We have seen many photographs and videos highlighting the problems.
Some riders have fitted cameras to their bikes and helmets to record unsafe driver behaviour, so they can share it with police. We know that riders want police to help them make it home safely.
Up till now the process of close pass reporting hasn’t been consistent for riders. Some police officers have been prepared to take images and video and to act on them, but others haven’t.
NSW Police Video
Bicycle NSW has worked with NSW Police to explain the challenges some riders have faced, and the need for their help to improve road safety. We are pleased to share this internal training video that NSW Police have developed.
We applaud the work of NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Michael Corboy and Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon. They have shared their expectation that NSW Police will take close pass reports, and where possible, use them to prosecute offenders.
“NSW Police are committed to making the roads safer, and we appreciate this clear message supporting bike riders,” said General Manager of Public Affairs, Bastien Wallace.
People reporting to police also need to be prepared to make a statement, and if a prosecution goes ahead, to give evidence in court.
“If you need to report, clear images and short videos capturing the relevant events are a help to police,” said Bastien.
Bicycle NSW knows most motor vehicle operators do their best to share the roads safely. For those that don’t, police education and enforcement can transform behaviour before people are hurt or killed.