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Bicycle New South Wales Bicycle User Groups, commonly known as BUGs, are community-based collectives of cycling enthusiasts who regularly meet for social rides in their locality.

June was an eventful month for the Shoalhaven BUG, marked by three significant occasions.

19th June 80km Ride

On Wednesday, 19th, the Shoalhaven BUG completed an 80km ride, led and supported by various Ride Leaders, to celebrate the birthdays of five members who are turning 80 this year. The birthday gentlemen, John Van Duin, Warwick Mottram, Max Long, John Rhodes, and Les Cornish (regrettably, no ladies), were honored. Sadly, Les was unable to join the ride due to a severe winter illness.

Bev Lukin (82), Ron Lukin (82), and eldest active cyclist, Peter Hewlett (84), were among the twenty-two BUG members over eighty who participated.

(Left to Right) Peter Cassar, Ron Lukin, Bev Lukin, Ed Proudfoot, Sharon Whittaker and, Vic Reed take a break during the President's 100 km ride. Photographer: Trish Cassar.

Two Stage Ride

The journey was completed in two segments: a 40 km ride from Huskisson through Vincentia, Sanctuary Point, St Georges Basin, Basin View, and Tomerong, returning for lunch, followed by another 40 km from Huskisson to Murray's Beach and back.

Illawarra Ramblers BUG and Shoalhaven BUG ride leader trainees took a break during the recent ride leader training. Photo: Shoalhaven Bug.

The inspiration for this ride came not only from milestone birthdays but also from the 80km journey Shoalhaven BUG undertook ten years ago to celebrate the 80th birthday of eldest member, Tom McDonald. The members of SBUG serve as an inspiration to everyone and exemplify the accomplishments possible through an active lifestyle.

Participants over eighty in the recent SBUG 80 KM ride included John Van Duin, Warwick Mottram, Peter Hewlett, Max Long, Bev Lukin, Ron Lukin, and John Rhodes, from left to right. Les Cornish was absent. Photo: Shoalhaven BUG

Shoalhaven BUG Ride Leader Training Day

On Friday, 21st June, the SBUG conducted a ride leader training day led by two Bicycle NSW Master Rider Leaders, Wayne Beckenham and Jim Florence, using Wayne and Kathy Beckenham's home as the base. Three participants from the newly-formed Illawarra Ramblers BUG—Rudy Drmota, Phil Prentice, and Peter Aubourg—and two from the Shoalhaven BUG—Jamie Matthew and Steve Pryn—successfully completed their training, with only co-led rides remaining.

Rick Dwyer of Shoalhaven BUG has successfully completed his Master Ride Leader training. Assisting a newly-formed BUG with ride leader training was particularly gratifying, as Shoalhaven BUG has benefited from the support of others outside the SBUG in the past.

A fantastic group of candidates and volunteers participated in the April 2024 Ride Leader Course.
(Image: Bicycle NSW)

President's Century Ride

On Sunday, 24th June, the SBUG revived a cherished tradition with the President's century ride, led by President Peter Cassar. The journey began in Nowra, proceeded to HMAS Albatross, traversed Parma Road, and passed through the coastal locales of Callala, Culburra, Greenwell Point, Numbaa, before returning to Nowra. The Shoalhaven Century Ride, as it was formerly known, was a staple on the SBUG riding calendar for many years before it was inexplicably discontinued.

It is hoped that this ride will be reinstated as an annual occurrence.

More courses are coming soon!  

The demand for additional Ride Leader training in 2024 has been noted, and we are currently considering potential dates in either September or October. You will be informed as soon as the details are finalised.

Join Bicycle NSW and your local BUG before embarking on Ride Leader training

Find out how to become a member of your local BUG >>here<<. 

If you are not already part of the Bicycle NSW family, we would love you to join us. Strengthen our advocacy campaigns and ride with peace of mind knowing that you are covered by our comprehensive insurance.

Keen to support our work and help grow our amazing affiliated BUGs? Please sign up for our newsletters and Buy Us a Coffee (or three!) or donate to the Bicycle New South Wales Environmental Trust >>here<<

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