Bicycle NSW is extremely pleased that a majority of councillors at North Sydney Council decided to give consent to Transport for NSW to progress the development of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Cycleway northern access ramp.
The linear ramp will provide a safe and accessible alternative to hauling your bike up 55 steps to reach the cycleway from Milsons Point.
The steps have long hindered young, elderly and less able bike riders from using the most sustainable, healthy and fun mode of transport to travel between North Sydney and Sydney’s CBD and beyond
(Image: Wolter Peters)
Everyone will be able to ride across Sydney’s beautiful and iconic Harbour Bridge
“Everyone will be welcome and able to ride across Sydney’s beautiful and iconic Harbour Bridge,” said Peter McLean, Bicycle NSW CEO. “The ramp will allow all bicycle riders from beginners to less-abled riders, from 8 to 80 years old, using mobility bikes or larger e-cargo bikes, to access the bridge cycleway.”
After three consecutive council meetings on 27th and 28th February and 1st March and hours of exhaustive debate, the majority won. Councillors agreed to give landowner’s consent to Transport for NSW for the project's application for approval under Section 60 of the Heritage Act 1977. This is a major win for all active transport enthusiasts. However, the decision doesn’t presume any outcome on the heritage or wider planning impacts of the project.
ASPECT Studio’s award-winning design. The ramp is elegant and touches Bradfield Park as lightly as possible. As the design has evolved, long-term impacts to heritage, landscape, visual amenity and traffic have been carefully ameliorated. We are sure that the ramp will become a new architectural icon for Sydney and draw admirers from far and wide! (Source: TfNSW)
The project will be independently assessed
In line with NSW Heritage Act 1977, the NSW Heritage Council will consider every possible impact and mitigation measure. Council and community still have the opportunity to collaboratively work with Transport for NSW to fine tune the design and ensure it is appropriate for all user groups.
In addition to Bradfield Park North improvements, rectification works and land acquisition payments, the NSW State Government will provide $2.5 million. This will help fund the Bradfield Park South improvements under the Bradfield Park Masterplan.
Bicycle NSW has been advocating for a Sydney Harbour Bridge north ramp since 1983
This small but hugely significant piece of infrastructure probably represents the oldest ‘missing link’ in Australia! We thank Bicycle NSW Members, stakeholders and affiliated Bicycle User Groups, especially Bike North, for their dedicated efforts over four decades to push NSW Government to deliver an alternative to the steps.
“This is a win for the silent majority who just want this ramp built,” said Peter McLean.
Explore the history of Bicycle NSW’s advocacy for the northern ramp on our dedicated project page. For more information about ASPECT Studio's design and the project updates, visit the official consultation portal.
Our advocacy work on this project and so many others would not be possible without the support of the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help Bicycle NSW to continue our successful work.