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This Friday Bicycle NSW will appear before the Parliamentary Hearing: Transport and Infrastructure Committee with the Motorcycle Council for NSW on issues related to mobility as a service.

Business man unlocking share bike with mobile app

Back in May 2021 we made a comprehensive submission to the Transport Technology Sector Inquiry.  This addressed a range of issues including:

  • Barriers to accessing and using ‘mobility as a service’
  • The absence of affordable and accessible public transport for most parts of NSW
  • Integrated journeys – including transporting bikes on buses and trains
  • Micro-mobility
  • E-bikes
  • Issues related to connected automatic vehicles

Again we have found that whilst transport plans usually include a picture of a bicycle, they often overlook the needs of people on two wheels.  Some of the issues and challenges bike riders face are shared by motorbike riders, and we have appreciated the consistent support by the Motorcycle Council of NSW for our efforts to improve road safety. 

“Our relationships and campaigns built across road-user groups to improve road safety have really helped us gain support for more of the elements needed to achieve Vision Zero,” said Bicycle NSW General Manager of Public Affairs, Bastien Wallace.

“If plans, laws and regulations forget bike riders, or neglect access barriers they will fail to address their goals,” said Bastien.

You can watch our appearance at the Parliamentary Hearing: Transport and Infrastructure Committee this Friday the 15th of October at 1:15pm via a link on this page.

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