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Transport for NSW has shared a range of new resources and policies which, if followed, will make NSW better for all bicycle riders.

Ensuring People Comply

We understand if another announcement of policies and plans inspires more cynicism than trust.  But we think they can be made to work for you.

In our submissions and advocacy, when Bicycle NSW finds elements of a plan that contradict policy, regulation or guidelines, we call this out.  In meetings we ‘call in’ contractors and try to get them to comply.  We encourage members, Bicycle User Groups, Councils and anyone struggling to make things better for bike riders to use these policies to help make your case.

Using Them For Bike Advocacy

Together they can be used as a ‘who, what, why’ for bike advocacy.

Why: The Movement and Place Framework in situations where there are a high number of pedestrian or bicycle movements and you need fast traffic calmed, safe signalised crossings or reduced speeds to protect people.  In the past motor vehicle speeds seemed to be the priority, but this provides a framework to argue for change.

What/How: The Cycleway Design Toolbox: Designing for Cycling and Micromobility provides resources and examples to help people designing infrastructure for bike riders.  

How Much: The Road User Space Allocation Policy requires Transport for NSW to allocate physical road space safely and equitably to support the movement of people and goods.

Who/When: the Providing for Walking and Cycling in Transport Projects Policy requires that every transport project funded by Transport for NSW include provision for walking and cycling, to be delivered from the outset of every transport project.  The policy applies to anyone planning, designing, delivering, building or managing a transport project or asset for, or on behalf of, Transport for NSW.


All of these policies align really well with the Bicycle NSW mission and policies.  If we can ensure they are followed, we will all be better off.

“We recommend that you refer to these policies and resources when you are asking for change, commenting on a project, or explaining a problem for riders,” said General Manager of Public Affairs, Bastien Wallace.

“For many Councils, elections are on the way, so  now is a great time to share the infrastructure plans you want to see delivered, and the standards you expect to be met,” said Bastien. 

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