Why is this World Bike Day So Important
Since its establishment five years ago, World Bicycle Day has been marked annually on 3 June by advocates throughout the world.
Adopted through a UN General Assembly resolution lead by the Government of Turkmenistan World Bicycle Day stands for so much more than the name suggests.
This Saturday thousands will celebrate the uniqueness, sustainability and versatility of the 2 wheeled wonder… a simple, cost effective, dependable, clean and environmentally fit means of transport, inspiring environmental stewardship and good overall health. Advocates encourage the use of the bike as a means of removing poverty; supporting sustainable development; empowering education, including mental and physical education, for children and young adults; strongly promoting health; disease prevention; and fostering social inclusion and a culture of peace.
How do bicycles impact all our lives
Bicycles improve lives worldwide meeting transport, health, social engagement or environmental sustainability needs. World Bicycle Day encourages countries to see bicycles as an integral form of sustainable transport, physical exercise and the catalyst to re-shape infrastructure for the better.
Recently COVID-19 changed our perception and behaviour regarding transport. Many countries have re-evaluated their transportation systems. Our desire to 'build back better' has meant cycling is more respected than ever as a green, healthy and extremely cost effective transport alternative. Last year a new UN General Assembly resolution 'integrating bicycles into the mainstream of public transportation systems for sustainable development' emphasised these points.
This resolution means governments commit to promoting the bike among all of society, including people of all ages, urban and rural, and develop a culture of bicycling throughout society.
Show our local, state and federal governments just how many bike riders there are in NSW!
On this World Bicycle Day, we are encouraging everyone to get on their bikes and enjoy a ride! Whether it be a ride to work/shops, a short cycle at lunch time or a power lap around your local park just before dusk – show us your ride! Let’s show our local, state and federal governments just how many bike riders there are in NSW!
WIN 1 of 2 Bicycle NSW Annual Memberships plus Global Rider Insurance
Join our World Bike Day Photo Competition!
For your chance to win 1 of 2 free Annual Bicycle NSW Memberships including Global Rider Insurance and a suite of Member only benefits, we would like to invite you to take a photo of yourself with your bike this Saturday 3rd June 2023 and post it to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram letting us know where you are.
Use the official tag #bicyclenswphoto and follow online using @www.instagram.com/bicyclensw/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/BicycleNSW or find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bicyclensw.
Also to enter don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for free and become a part of our Bicycle NSW riding community.
As a subscriber you will receive the latest news updates, product announcements, promotions and giveaways from Bicycle NSW.
Enter now so that you don’t miss out!
We are calling on everyone to post a photo on social media of your bike or the ride itself and tag Bicycle NSW (@bicyclensw) and use #bicyclenswphoto. We will also use this tag to create a community of bike riders throughout our state.
Let’s celebrate the 2 wheeled wonder this June and all the amazing things it has done to evolve our society for the better.
If you have a story about how bicycles have changed your life either through improved health, transport, confidence, social engagement, let us know we would love to share it.