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Bicycle NSW is committed to creating a better environment for all bike riders”


  • Demonstrating thought-leadership on bicycling and transport-related issues through our project proposals and policy positions.
  • Lobbying Government organisations through a variety of actions.
  • Communicating the Benefits of Bicycling.
  • Promoting bicycling to the widest audience possible through a variety of programs including bicycle events, behaviour change programs and promotional activities.
  • Building a directory of valuable bicycle informational resources and an advocacy knowledge base.
  • Leveraging networks of like-minded organisations and individuals.

a better environment…

  • A culture with significant community support for bicycling.
  • Measurably greater participation in bicycling.
  • Visible and measurable improvements to infrastructure that supports bicycling such as roads, bicycle paths and end-of-trip facilities (parking, showers, lockers, etc).
  • Improved consideration of bicycle users in all policy and planning processes.
  • Integration of bicycling with all other modes of transport through appropriate design and policies to encourage multi-modal transport options.

for all bike riders…

  • For all bicycle users and potential bicycle users in NSW.