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Bicycle User Groups (or BUGs for short) are local groups of like minded bike riders who get together for social riding in their area.

These groups often run regular bike rides for their members, guests and members of the public to go along and enjoy. Bicycle NSW assists these BUGs for their public rides, supports their members to advocate for better bike infrastructure and conditions in their Local Government Areas, and go on to represent their concerns at a State level.

BUGs exist across NSW, but only those affiliated with Bicycle NSW are listed here as we can assure their ride leaders are comprehensively trained and approved by us to deliver the highest quality, interesting and suitable rides for all participants. Individual members of BUGs are also encouraged to take out their own Bicycle NSW membership for their personal accident insurance and access to other member benefits.

Do you have a Bicycle User Group? Affiliate with Bicycle NSW!

Bicycle NSW is committed to creating a state-wide network of affiliated local Bicycle User Groups (BUG) and other recreational Cycling Groups.

This network is aimed at:

  • Promoting and growing bicycle riding for recreational and transport purposes
  • Creating a better environment for all bicycle riders across NSW
  • Promoting Bicycle NSW Memberships

Some Return Commitments from Bicycle User Groups:

  • Promote bicycle riding and encourage more people to ride a bicycle for fitness, fun, recreation, transport and social engagement
  • Organise safe, enjoyable and inclusive recreational bicycle rides, and lists these on the Bicycle NSW rides calendar.
  • Be an Ambassador of Bicycle NSW and to promote Bicycle NSW verbally and in writing, including online (website, social media) and in newsletters to members, including exclusive membership discount.
  • Ensure all members of BUG executive are current BNSW Members.

Steps to Affiliation 

The steps for Bicycle User Groups to affiliate with Bicycle NSW are outlined below:

  1. Be an incorporated association
  2. Have all Executive Members of the BUG Committee (President, Secretary, Treasurer) be Bicycle NSW Members
  3. Complete the affiliation form
  4. The affiliation will go to the Bicycle NSW Board for approval.
  5. Bicycle NSW will notify the BUG of their affiliation status

Contact Bicycle NSW

If you would like more information about affiliating, please contact us:

Phone: (02) 9704 0800