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Construction work on the massive Rozelle Interchange project in now complete. Sydney's traffic is slowly adjusting to the new road configuration.  The underground motorway junction connects the M4-M5 Link tunnel with the Anzac Bridge, Iron Cove Bridge and the future Western Harbour Tunnel, bypassing the City West Link and Victoria Road.

It has been a massive battle over many years to ensure that construction is managed in accordance with the guidelines, regulations, laws and standards that were developed to keep bike riders safe, and that the project delivers high-quality new cycling facilities as a legacy of the mammoth NSW Government investment.

Bicycle NSW collaborated with friends at the Inner West Bicycle Coalition and BayBUG to prepare an issues paper outlining the challenges and opportunities for this part of the Inner West. We continue to advocate for road space reallocation on Victoria Road to accommodate regional cycleways, wider footpaths and essential tree canopy. We urge NSW Government to take advantage of the reduced surface traffic promised by the new toll-free tunnel - before new induced traffic fills the available space.

The good news! The tunnelling site at the old Rozelle Rail Yards has been converted into 9.5 hectares of new open space. There are some excellent new shared paths and high-quality sports ovals and playgrounds. You can explore the Rozelle Parklands here

The new walking and cycling routes will connect existing active transport links around Victoria Road, Annandale and the Anzac Bridge. There are still many issues with crossing the mammoth junction at surface level, but riders through the area will be able to use the tunnel under Victoria Road and the Green Bridge over City West Link to bypass a lot of awkward crossings.  The links are long-awaited by bike riders who have struggled to navigate the area during construction. They will give local residents new options to avoid the Roze-hell traffic jams!

Unfortunately, many important details, essential to connect the Parklands into the fabric of neighbouring communities, have been overlooked - or left to Inner West Council to complete. We will work with local politicians and council staff to ensure that Transport for NSW delivers much-needed kerb ramps, pedestrian crossings, better light phasing and accessible intersections as soon as possible.

February 2024 update:

It is incredibly disappointing that the new walking and cycling paths at Rozelle Parklands have been temporarily closed due to asbestos contamination. Inner West residents desperately need alternatives to sitting in their cars on congested roads. We have asked Transport for NSW to reopen the most critical links as soon as possible and take this opportunity to fix missing connections into Rozelle. We have also asked for NSW Government funding to deliver community engagement programs including guided rides to inspire locals to travel to the city in a quick, affordable and safe way. 

An artist’s impression of the new Mitchell Road intersection
Bicycle NSW recently learned that an important cycleway connection, part of the exciting Sydney Park Junction project, has been quietly Read more
Three Roads to affordable housing and better transport
There's a golden opportunity along three of Australia’s oldest roads  Parramatta Road is Australia’s ugliest, noisiest, dirtiest road. Half of Read more
A tangle of overpasses already blights the delicate urban fabric of Pyrmont.
Bicycle NSW, City of Sydney and Walk Sydney urge the NSW Government to press ‘pause’ on plans to expand the Read more
An artist’s impression of the new Rozelle Parklands, looking east towards the Anzac Bridge (Image: TfNSW)
The Bicycle NSW advocacy team joined up with Inner West bike advocates for a tour of the Rozelle Interchange project Read more
Western Distributor proposal
Bicycle NSW joins the City of Sydney and pedestrian advocacy group WalkSydney in objecting to the unexpected proposal to ‘upgrade’ Read more
Rozelle Interchange Project
As the long-suffering residents of the Inner west are extremely aware, construction is well underway on the massive Rozelle Interchange Read more
How cycle paths around Blackwatle Bay can be improved after the construction of Rozelle Interchange
Bicycle NSW recently joined advocates from Bike Marrickville and the Inner West Bicycle Coalition (IWBC) for a special Sunday ride. Read more
A member commenting on social media compared our efforts to improve the Westconnex Rozelle Interchange, to the labours of Sisyphys-  Read more
For riders who live in or travel through Rozelle in Sydney’s Inner West, there are more changes to come. One Read more
We felt A New Hope when the Premier and Transport Minister supported what bike riders need to play their part Read more
People forced to interact with the Westconnex Rozelle Interchange Project in Sydney could be forgiven for asking whether new and Read more
When construction projects impact cycleway and road projects and traffic managers are responsible for ensuring people can cycle safely and Read more