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Date Published: Monday 21 October 2024

Bicycle NSW Annual General Meeting – 6pm Monday 18th November 2024

Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be a hybrid meeting and will provide you with the opportunity to join regardless of your location. It will be held at 6pm on Monday 18th November at First Floor, 180 George St Sydney where you can physically attend, or you can attend virtually on Zoom.

You will need a Zoom account to attend virtually, which you can sign up for here.
To attend the AGM virtually, please join via this link after 5.45pm on Monday 18th November 2024.
If you are attending in person, the meeting room will be open from 5.30pm.

The Board of Bicycle NSW invites all members to come to the AGM to consider the following items of business:
1. Confirming the minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
2. Receiving reports from the Board on activities of Bicycle NSW during the last preceding financial year.
3. Receiving and considering the financial statements for the year ending 30th June 2024 and the auditor’s report on these statements.

If you have questions, initiatives, ideas, suggestions in relation to future activities and plans for Bicycle NSW or any other business you wish to raise from the floor, I would appreciate it if you would forward these to myself by mail/email so we can plan for an efficient agenda on the night of the AGM.

Board Elections
Nominations were received from Anne Grunseit and Michael Corboy for the two vacancies to be filled in accordance with rule 18.1. In accordance with rule 18.8, as the number of nominations is equal to the number of positions to be filled the nominees will be taken as elected at the conclusion of the AGM.

Agenda and associated documents

AGM Agenda
2023 AGM Minutes
2024 Annual Report

To assist us in preparing for the AGM, if you are planning to attend would you please notify us by email at or by calling the Bicycle NSW office on (02) 9704 0800. Please let us know if you are attending in person or via zoom. Light refreshments will be available at the in-person meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM,

Darryn Capes-Davis
Bicycle NSW


Date Published: Monday 19 August 2024

Bicycle NSW Annual General Meeting – 6pm Monday 18th November 2024

Call for Board Nominations

The Bicycle NSW AGM is scheduled for Monday 18th November 2024 and nominations for two Board vacancies to be filled by election at the AGM are now open. To download a Nomination form click here. Board nominations must be received by the Secretary no later than 5pm Friday 20th September 2024. (Please see the Nomination Form for more details.)

Online and Proxy Voting

If three or more nominations are received a vote will be required at the AGM.
For eligible members wishing to vote at the AGM but who are unable to attend in person, there are two ways to cast your vote.
The first (and preferred) method is to vote online using the direct voting instrument provided by TrueVote Pty Ltd. All eligible members may cast a direct vote online. TrueVote will email all eligible members when online voting opens at 6pm on Friday 25th October 2024. Online voting will close at 6pm on Friday 15th November 2024.

To check or update email addresses in your membership profile in time to vote online for the 2024 AGM simply go to, login to your account and update required details before 6pm on Sunday 20th October 2024.

The second method is to give your proxy to someone else who can attend the AGM and vote on your behalf. Members may appoint a proxy by submitting a proxy form to the Secretary. The proxy form, along with instructions on how and when to submit the proxy form, will be available via the Bicycle NSW website closer to the AGM

Yours sincerely,

Darryn Capes-Davis
Bicycle NSW