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Include a bequest in your Will

Have you ever considered sharing the freedom, autonomy, fun and adventure of riding a bicycle or want to ensure your loved ones have the opportunity to ride on safer and more effective bicycle infrastructure?  Then consider a bequest to the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust and ensure future generations equally share your love and enjoyment of bicycle riding.

A bequest is an extremely generous act and is a very real way to leave a legacy and make a positive impact in perpetuity.

By including a bequest to the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust in your Will, you can help to create a better and safer environment for cycling and provide a positive environmental impact for generations to come.  You will not only leave a positive legacy for your own family and friends but in addition, you will:

  • Help our transport system reduce carbon emissions and decarbonise.
  • Inspire kids to travel to and from school in a safe, active and autonomous way which will set them up for healthy and prosperous lives.
  • Help create healthier, more inclusive and equitable streets where everyone is involved and included.
  • Connect families, friends and communities by allowing them to safely and positively engage with one another while improving their overall health and wellbeing.
  • Support bicycle recreation and tourism opportunities including mountain biking, trail riding, touring and more.

Why we need your support

Bicycle NSW is a not for profit, non-government member based organisation.  Since 1975, Bicycle NSW has been creating positive change and is behind the majority of bicycle infrastructure projects we see and ride on each and every day. We are passionate about continuing this work for many years to come, therefore any support received will ensure our focus in on our mission rather than securing funds to operate.

Bequests allow Bicycle NSW to have a greater influence in creating a positive impact for the environment by encouraging more people to ride through the realisation of a better and safer environment for cyclists. It also helps us to have a greater influence on government policies and budget allocation for cycling infrastructure.

More information

You don’t have to tell us if you have chosen to include us in your will. However, we’d like the opportunity to thank you and keep you updated about our future plans so if you choose to inform us then we will keep your contact information strictly confidential and only contact you when you choose.  Bicycle NSW does not share or provide any of their donor, Members or client information to anyone else for any reason.

For more information about how your bequest can become your legacy in creating a better environment for cycling or to advise us of your bequest –
please contact Bicycle NSW on 02 9704 0800 or at and the Bicycle NSW CEO will reach out for a confidential discussion.

Suggested wording for your Will

Below is the most effective wording to include a bequest to Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust. Please take this with you when you visit your solicitor.

“I give, free of all duties and taxes *____ to Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust (ABN 31 583 611 736) of Level 9, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from Bicycle NSW will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”

*insert either:

  • The whole (or …%) of the residue of my estate.
  • The whole (or … %) of my estate.
  • The sum of $ (amount).
  • (Details of a particular asset — such as shares or property).

If you would like your bequest to go towards a specific area of our work, please call us on 02 9704 0800 and we can discuss the many options available and how a specific focus can be achieved.   Examples might include education, training or awareness campaigns to focus on specific topics and areas.  These may not be achievable in every case but we’d be pleased to discuss all the opportunities available.

Further information on the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust

The Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust was established under a Trust Deed which outlines the purpose of the Trust as well as various rules and definitions guiding its purpose. The Management Committee of the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust is responsible for ensuring that the funds of the Trust are used for the purposes described in the Deed of the Trust.

The management Committee is entirely voluntary and the Trust operates on very low overheads to ensure that more than 95% of funds are committed to the intended projects.  Under the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust Deed, the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust receives an independent financial audit each year.  For further information on the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust listing on the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission, please visit the Australian Government charity register.