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‘Advocacy’ is action taken to influence decisions and systems.

Bicycle NSW is the peak advocacy body for bike riding in NSW. We have worked hard to create a better environment for all bicycle riders since 1976.  With consistent messaging and reliable facts and data, we encourage decision makers to invest in infrastructure and facilities that will help people to ride more and ride further.

Our campaigns are diverse and inclusive. We lobby all levels of government and garner support from our Members to provide a strong voice that is heard by politicians and decision makers. Thank you for being a member. With your help, we can make a difference!

Major infrastructure projects are a key focus for Bicycle NSW.  Complex projects need constant attention over many years to ensure that the needs of bike riders are met during and after construction.  NSW Government investments in roads and rail should always leave a legacy of excellent new active transport facilities.

When local and state governments release plans or strategies that are relevant to bike riders, Bicycle NSW takes the opportunity to review the proposals and make detailed feedback and recommendations.  We always work closely with advocates from Bicycle User Groups who have invaluable local knowledge.

As a not-for profit bicycle advocacy group, it is of the utmost importance that we do not compete alongside other organisations attempting to achieve the same goals as us. Instead we form partnerships to align our messages and make our voices louder and stronger.

Bicycle NSW benefited from the engineering expertise of former CEO Ray Rice OAM. We have created ‘Ray’s Corner’ to celebrate his contribution and help everyone advocate for better bike riding infrastructure.  Visit Ray’s Corner for current policies supporting active transport and guidelines for designing good bicycle infrastructure.