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Take the Bicycle NSW Safe Biking Pledge for National Road Safety Week 2024

Help make NSW a safer place to bike! Take the pledge. Show your commitment.

Traffic injury is one of the biggest killers in Australia and National Road Safety Week (5-12 May) is here to highlight the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it.

Whatever reason you may have for riding a bicycle and whatever kind of bike you ride, we all have a few things in common. We share two wheels. We also share the road, which means we should all follow the traffic laws, be predictable and show our intentions. Sharing the road is always a two-way street—we need to have respect for the law and other road users in order to get respect in return.

'While poor driving culture is the greatest challenge to rider safety, we must do our part as bicycle users. If we want drivers' attitudes to change and for everyone to share the road safely, then we must always ensure to ride with care and follow the rules as well. In addition, the minimum passing distance rule is a key road safety issue. If we as bicycle users are obeying the road rules, then motorists giving bicycle users 1 metre distance under 60kmh and 1.5 metre distance over 60kmh will make use feel safe and promote an overall safer road environment' - Peter McLean, CEO Bicycle New South Wales.

Make the Bicycle NSW Safe Biking Pledge for National Road Safety Week 2024 by filling out the form below and we’ll send you an exclusive offer for joining as our new valued Member, a 25% discount code* so you can ride with peace of mind for a full year knowing that you are covered by our Global rider's comprehensive insurance and enjoy many other Member-only benefits.

Even better, as a Member you support Bicycle NSW to be the leaders in bicycle advocacy in NSW.  Bicycle NSW has the ear of government and works tirelessly to create a better environment for all bicycle riders in NSW.

I pledge to

Wear a bicycle helmet at all times

Follow the road rules for bicycle riders

Use front & rear lights and wear hi-vis gear in the dark

Ride with traffic, including on one-way streets

Give way to pedestrians

On cycle ways, and shared paths, slow down when passing

Do not wear headphones

Do my part to make NSW a safer place to bike and encourage others to bike too!

Take the Bicycle NSW Safe Biking Pledge for National Road Safety Week 2024 and share it on your social media by posting this image and text, remembering to tag us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!

I proudly pledge to be a safe bicycle user and make NSW a safer place to bike this National Road Safety Week and every other day of the year.

Share your pledge and find out more about #bicyclensw at

This National Road Safety Week, why not also share some of the Safe Bicycle Riding resources with your family and friends to help make the road environment safer?

* t&c's apply: Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or existing Bicycle NSW Membership.  Promotion ends 5.06.24.



Screen Name
Good idea! Fully agree with every aspect of the pledge.
I pledge to Wear a bicycle helmet at all times Follow the road rules for bicycle riders Use front & rear lights and wear hi-vis gear in the dark Ride with traffic, including on one-way streets Give way to pedestrians On cycle ways, and shared paths, slow down when passing Do not wear headphones Do my part to make NSW a safer place to bike and encourage others to bike too!
Agree with the pledge
This pledge is good and all but we all know that it takes two to tango! Everyone needs to be on the same page but reality is different unfortunately. Keep spreading the good word and we can hope for a better tomorrow.
Great idea.
Wear helmet ,never cross red lights, no mobile during riding, never ride after consuming alcohol
I pledge to always wear a helmet ride safely, pay attention to my surroundings, signal when passing pedestrians, give pedestrians right of way and to be mindful and aware whilst riding on cycle ways, shared paths and roads.
Great initiative
Why are we doing this? The biggest threat to safe riding and greater uptake is poor driving culture. Addressing this kind of message to cyclists is akin to the “nut behind the wheel” trope that blames victims for their misfortune that the motoring lobby uses to escape accountability for unsafe products (Jessie Singer “There Are No Accidents” Simon & Schuster 2022 ISBN 978-1-9822-2966-8)
John Hawkins
I'm only human
I pledge to always ride safely having cycle ways in my area really helps
I proudly take the pledge to follow all the road rules for bicycle riders. This is such an important initiative. Thank you Bicycle New South Wales!
Safe Rider