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How cycle paths around Blackwatle Bay can be improved after the construction of Rozelle Interchange

Ride Our Potential

Bicycle NSW recently joined advocates from Bike Marrickville and the Inner West Bicycle Coalition (IWBC) for a special Sunday ride. We explored the untapped potential for the Inner West’s cycling network. The Inner West has waterways that could become bike flows, highways that could become bike byways, construction sites that could become parks, and coves

Francis O'Neill Head of Advocacy

Meet Our New Head of Advocacy

Advocacy remains a critical focus for Bicycle NSW to ensure we are continuing to build a safe and effective bicycle user environment throughout NSW. After a long recruitment campaign and plenty of interviews, Francis O’Neill has been appointed as the new Head of Advocacy for Bicycle NSW. Francis started on 21st March and has been

Mike Tomalaris new ambassador

Mike Tomalaris Announced As Ambassador

Bicycle NSW is excited to announce that Mike Tomalaris has joined us as our Ambassador for the next 3 years. Mike has supported the growth of and interest in cycling for the past 30 years in his role at SBS, commentating on the Tour de France. He is also a keen recreational bicycle rider. Our

Pedalling together

Bicycle NSW is pleased to see so much political agreement on what is needed for riders. We have come a long way since the ‘bad-old-days’ of the College St Cycleway removal.  Bicycle NSW now enjoys a high level of strategic and political support for the work we do to ‘make NSW better for all bicycle

Vintage bike standing against brick wall

Oxford Street Cycleway

Objections to safe cycling infrastructure on Oxford Street ignore the history of roads. Bicycle NSW has prepared a submission  on the proposed Oxford Street Cycleway, and we look forward to its construction.  Unfortunately, a handful of people have voiced objections, claiming bike infrastructure could threaten the historic nature of parts of Oxford Street. Historic images

Newcastle Cycleways Movement Safety Vests for adults and kids

Building the Dream in Newcastle

Since its inception in 1977, the Newcastle Cycleways Movement has campaigned for improvements to bicycle facilities in the Greater Newcastle area. Infrastructure  They worked hard to design the Newcastle Cyclesafe Network in 2011, but have struggled to get the funding and government support to make it a reality, until recently.  Bicycle NSW has been delighted

You Asked, We Answered

An important part of our job at Bicycle NSW is responding to the requests and needs of members and Bicycle User Groups.  We can’t always talk about what we are doing at the time, especially if it involves a legal matter or a confidential project or working group. We’ve created this page to share some

Proposed F6 Extension Motorway – Call For Action

Proposed F6 Extension Motorway – You need to act now! The proposed F6 Extension Stage 1 presents the NSW Government with an excellent opportunity to provide high quality Active Transport (AT) infrastructure in the Kogarah to Arncliffe area.  While we doubt the overall long term effectiveness of more and more motorways, we must take advantage

Heavy Vehicles Looking After Their Community

Last week, Bicycle NSW launched our campaign calling for safer heavy vehicle standards as a direct result of the serious injuries and deaths that had occurred to vulnerable road users. We know that truck drivers do not want to harm or kill people, and over the coming weeks we will be highlight companies who have

New Pedestrian & Cyclist Bridge Design

As part of improving connectivity and celebrating the Parramatta River, the City of Parramatta is designing a new world class pedestrian and cyclist bridge over the Parramatta River at Alfred Street, Rosehill. We are inviting you to provide feedback and comments on the concept design by Saturday 28 October 2017. Community support for the project