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Rail Trails in NSW Need Help

Rail Trails Need Your Help Urgently

Did you know that NSW has approximately 2,000km of abandoned railway lines yet only 146 km of rail trails? Recently the NSW government has taken 3 important actions toward the faster development of rail trails. Tumbarumba report: Publication of the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail report, showing positive outcomes on practically all measures. NSW Framework:

Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail

Bringing rail trails to NSW

There are over 100 rail trails in Australia but due to a legislative blockage, NSW trails are still in their pilot stages (most trails are under 1 km in length). Other states, without the bureaucratic red tape, have trails of up to 1000 kms in length and are reaping the rewards. “Due to a needless

Rail Trails Building Local Economies

Over 20,000 people have visited the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail since it opened in April 2020, and the whole region is thriving. Tourists have flocked to the area to soak up the lovely scenery, with many staying multiple nights and spending money in the local stores.  To really highlight the economic benefits of the

Celebrating 1 Year of the Tumbarumba To Rosewood Rail Trail

The first anniversary of Tumbarumba to Rosewood is just around the corner, and we’re excited. Since opening, thousands of people have used the rail trail and the local economy is booming as a result. NSW Rail Trail Forum  To celebrate, there will be a forum on Friday, 9 April at the Tumbarumba Bowling Club to