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Dear truck and van driver

Dear Truck and Van Driver,

Thank you for working hard to drive safely We get that this is a stressful job, particularly in heavily populated areas with pedestrians, bike riders and motorists. Not everyone looks out for you or understands how tough it is to see and stop in time. But you’re looking out for everyone and everything all the

Who is behind

Who is behind

The fantastic resources on are no longer a Sydney secret! This treasure trove of maps, photos, ride ideas and route descriptions has become indispensable for bike riders planning trips for both recreation and transport in Sydney – and beyond. The blog and its famous maps are the brainchild of Eastern Suburbs resident and BIKEast

The problem with Local Traffic Committees

The Problem with Local Traffic Committees

And the fix Active transport advocates have long been frustrated by the slow machinations of traffic where even small changes to streets to improve conditions for walking and cycling face inexplicable red tape. Projects are delayed and cancelled while seeking compliance with documents drafted decades ago. Indeed, many street design standards are no longer appropriate

Greenways for a Healthy City

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.” These are the wise words of environmentalist and philosopher John Muir who campaigned to establish Yosemite National Park in the 1890s. More than a century later, over

The CAMWEST blend of community and advocacy

The CAMWEST Blend of Community and Advocacy

Bicycle NSW supports a state-wide network of affiliated local Bicycle User Groups (BUGs).  BUGs organise enjoyable and inclusive recreational rides and promote bicycle riding for fitness, recreation, transport, and social engagement. All BUGs encourage community and fun. But some do much, much more. Alongside their jobs and family commitments, many BUG members can be found

Fund active transport for our children's sake

Fund Active Transport For Our Children’s Sake

Bicycle NSW and Better Streets have collaborated to push the NSW Labor Government to fund transformational change to our transport system. Our letter to the Premier is here Please amplify our call to action by writing to your elected politicians. Let them know that it will take 320 years to achieve healthy, equitable streets at

Police charge bike riders for existing

Police Charge Bike Riders For Existing

Whilst ignoring dangerous drivers Bicycle NSW previously wrote about the problem of perceived (or actual) police bias against bike riders. Despite meetings with senior leadership at NSW Police and some nice words, the problem has got worse.  In How to Make a Metre Matter Again we discussed aggressive driving, a wicked problem that is keeping

The Inner West Bicycle Coalition

The Inner West Bicycle Coalition

Keeping up the battle for Better Streets Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) are fantastic for making friends who share a common passion for all things bike. They also provide an opportunity to learn the best bike routes, get fit and have fun in the process. But BUGs also act as a collective brains-trust from a local

Blacktown’s good bones marred by bollards

Blacktown’s Good Bones Marred by Bollards

Dan Sobkowski is a young father who bikes for transport with his family in and around Blacktown. Dan’s observations on how difficult it can be to get around outside a car are compiled on his excellent Instagram account Copenhagenize Blacktown Bicycle NSW is delighted to meet a new ally for Better Streets and human-friendly infrastructure

Bollard Busters!

Bollard Busters!

Riding group takes out two useless bollards in Homebush Bicycle User Group (BUG) Bike North may have set the record for speedy bollard removal. And possibly alliteration! Because on a recent Botany Bay Bacon ride, Bike North Secretary Brian busted two bollards.  Just north of Parramatta Road at Homebush, there were U-shaped barriers on each