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Watch the short video of Sean’s awesome amp-assisted daily commute.

E-Bikes Powering Up Bush Life

Sean O’Shaunessy, long-time friend, journalist and Northern Rivers’ resident, recently purchased an e-bike. When I asked how he found it, he didn’t hold back: ‘My e-bike has been an absolute boon to my physical and mental health in this flood recovery landscape. It not only provides me with affordable mobility, but also a sense of

Reframing bicycles – from recreation to transportation

Reframing Bicycles – from Recreation to Transportation

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes in the way people travel. Fewer cars on the road made it easier to appreciate how attractive our city streets look without traffic. More spaces for play, gatherings, cycling and walking.  Sadly, fewer cars on the road also encouraged speeding and dangerous driving. Pedestrian deaths were

Bicycle NSW recently toured the areas of concern and sites of opportunity along the Warringah Freeway corridor

Will the Warringah Freeway Upgrade improve riding and walking?

The short answer is we still don’t know, and that has us worried. Given the Warringah Freeway Upgrade (WFU) is a $1.18 billion project, and preliminary construction is underway, one would assume that there are excellent plans to leverage the investment to deliver amazing new facilities for walking and cycling. Condition E195 of the planning

A shared path located largely in the rail corridor was promised by NSW Government in 2015. The plans are now completely different! (Source: Sutherland Shire Council)

Calling for a Safe Path Linking Sutherland to Cronulla

Transport for NSW is progressing its plans for Stage 2 of the Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL) to be located on streets outside the rail corridor.  Bicycle NSW is very concerned that optimal routes continue to be overlooked.  The current ‘preferred alignment’ risks creating infrastructure that is dangerous and falls well short of

Visitors trialling e-scooters

NSW E-Scooter Trial Safety and Rules

Have you been thinking of getting in on some e-scooter action, but are unsure of the Do’s and Don’ts of all things e-scooting? Then maybe – take time to read over the rules and e-scooter rider etiquette of the current NSW e-scooter trials below. You might be grateful and it could also save you fines

Lots of gear can be carried on a bike with the right accessories!

Could You Use Your Car Less?

Let’s face it, we Aussies do love our cars. Cars represent prestige, wealth, freedom and convenience. Our culture has created the perception that cars are not only fun but essential. The reality is often quite different. Instead of providing freedom, cars bog us down with debt, reduce our transport choices and interfere with our good

The Good Bollard

The Good Bollard

We’ve written about bad bollards creating havoc on cycleways. You may have run into one. Generally, bollards are not prescribed for cycleways except to prevent traffic intrusion, and even then, there should be ample space to allow, for example, a double pram or mobility scooter through without obstruction. Bollards as traffic calming, however, such as

The Good Bollard

Pedestrians First…

….. cyclists second, public transport third, delivery vehicles fourth….. and private vehicles last. The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Road User Space Allocation Policy sets out this hierarchy and aims to correct 70 years of urban design based on the motor vehicle.  Car-first thinking has resulted in congested, unsafe and uninviting streets and serious public health

Rail Trails Bill Passed

The Rail Trails Bill Has Been Passed!

Media Release Bicycle NSW is extremely grateful to all involved in the passing of the Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill 2022. As the peak bicycle advocacy group in NSW for over forty-five years with over 30 affiliated local Bicycle User Groups, “We are committed to ‘make NSW better for all bicycle riders’ from ages

Summer cycling along the Canal St Martin

Huge Changes in Paris!

And just a few growing pains…. Our Bike Planner travelled to Europe for the first time since borders closed early in 2020. Time with family was the highlight but coming in a close second was seeing first-hand how London and Paris have embraced bike riding in recent years. Paris has been the poster child city