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Eurobodalla BUG

Starting out with a few riders, Eurobodalla Bicycle User Group has exploded in size. Promoting the group as way to fitness, friends and freedom, Liz and Guy have transformed the way of life for many in the Eurobodalla Shire. Starting the Eurobodalla BUG thirteen years go, Guy, now President of the BUG, and his wife

The Pot of Gold

A crossing to prioritise pedestrians and bike riders was opened last week at Taylor Square in Sydney. Known as the Rainbow Crossing, it celebrates LGBTQI community ahead of the 2019 Mardi Gras and provides a colourful clap-back to the 2013 removal of a similar crossing on Oxford Street ordered by then Roads Minister Duncan Gay.

Does More Bike Riding Deliver A Road Safety ‘Nirvana’?

We have seen a ‘safety in numbers’ argument that claims by getting more people cycling, bike rider safety will increase.  This is often accompanied by the following OECD graph or similar: [OECD report p.114]   The argument is simple, appealing and wrong – it makes two important mistakes. Firstly, it confuses correlation with causation.  Did

Where To Go Bicycle Touring In Australia this Winter?

This winter instead of hanging up the bike until spring arrives, or travelling to the other side of the planet, have you considered a winter cycling holiday closer to home in warm outback or tropical north Queensland? Mulga Bicycle Tours has two Queensland cycling tours on offer this coming June and July.

Safe Active Streets

This week we contributed to a workshop planning of Safe Active Streets – with the aim of developing a prototype for Parramatta, to test what NSW needs in urban communities. We have become used to a ‘standard’ street; houses, apartments, and businesses adjacent to a road (hopefully) with a footpath, perhaps with a station, park,

Help Light Up Bike Riding

We have a unique opportunity to be heard on issues that matter to people who ride bikes. Bicycle NSW has encouraged everyone to contact their MP and electoral candidates with your local cycling needs.  You have shared images of the bike infrastructure, or lack of, that needs the #FixMyBikePath overlay applied, and we’re seeing MP’s

How Far Is Left?

Riders are often told to ride as far left as they can on single lane roads, but this is not the law. Current NSW legislation states, A driver on a road (except a multi-lane road) must drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road. Vehicles, including cars and push bikes,

Dangerous Road Obstacles

Sometimes road planners and designers neglect to consider bike riders. Recently the Central Coast Spinners wrote to Council to express their concern over a road island.  It was installed to protect pedestrians, but it had the unintended consequence of endangering riders. On a group ride, a rider did not see this obstacle and the collision