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Transport for NSW is planning to rejuvenate Oxford Street with wider footpaths, new public spaces, additional tree canopy and a separated cycleway from Taylor Square to Paddington Gates. The official project page can be found here.

Bicycle NSW has long advocated for Oxford Street to be reconfigured with upgraded pedestrian facilities and a protected bicycle path to create a continuous and safe active transport corridor between Bondi Junction and Sydney’s CBD. Our submission on the preliminary plans is here.

The Oxford Street East cycleway will fill the missing link between the Bondi Junction and Centennial Park facilities, both recently completed, and the Oxford Street West bicycle path, which is now under construction by City of Sydney. This route will pass shops, offices, schools and St. Vincent’s Hospital, everyday destinations for thousands of residents.

Over 2000 bike riders already use the corridor every day but mix with buses and fast traffic. It is a crash hot spot. A separated cycleway will allow riders of all ages and abilities, including school children, to safely use Oxford St.


Transport Minister Jo Haylen with Bicycle NSW CEO Peter McLean and Head of Advocacy Francis O'Neill at the end of the recently-reinstated College Street cycleway.  City of Sydney is constructing a new separated bicycle path from Hyde Park to Taylor Square.  The Oxford Street East facility will extend the cycleway to Centennial Park (Source: Jack Begbie)

Oxford Street has a long and fascinating history as Sydney’s most iconic shopping and entertainment strip.  However, peak-hour clearways have increased traffic volumes and speed and reduced pedestrian amenity. Vibrancy is not helped by the shift of retail to malls and the internet and the rise of UberEats.  Oxford Street is languishing and needs a bold plan to reinvent itself for the future.

The proposal by Transport for NSW for a protected cycleway on Oxford Street is not just about bikes.  

It is an opportunity to reconfigure the street, diversify its transport mix, improve the urban environment and transform Paddington. Businesses, residents and visitors will benefit from widened footpaths, lower speed limits, reduced through traffic and upgraded public spaces that prioritise entertainment, dining and people rather than cars.  Oxford Street will be a healthier, happier and livelier place.

A concept design was exhibited in February 2023.  Read our submission here. We urged Transport for NSW to co-design with the community to achieve the best possible outcome for all road users. Another round of consultation took place in mid-2023 and Bicycle NSW sent updated feedback that reiterated the project's potential for urban renewal.

In July 2024, Transport for NSW asked for more ideas to ensure that the future Oxford Street has a vibrant public domain. We once again stressed that road space must be reallocated to create generous footpaths and plazas where people can thrive. The latest submission is here.

Of course, change is always hard and some residents and businesses are very anxious about the cycleway.  There are concerns about parking, access and endless construction.  Bicycle NSW has worked closely with Bicycle User Group BIKEast to develop positive sentiment so that decision-makers can confidently move forward with the project. Our petition has over 2,100 signatures. Many of our friends and Members wrote submissions and completed the Transport for NSW survey.

The recent consultation report shows that shows overall support for the project and design work continues.

Thank you to everyone who joined our campaign to Build a Better Oxford Street!

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Vintage bike standing against brick wall
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