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Sydney Harbour Bridge Northern Access Steps (Image: Wolter Peters)

Ramp to Sidestep 55 Steps is One Step Closer!

Bicycle NSW is extremely pleased that a majority of councillors at North Sydney Council decided to give consent to Transport for NSW to progress the development of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Cycleway northern access ramp. The linear ramp will provide a safe and accessible alternative to hauling your bike up 55 steps to reach the

A Better Street has space for people to linger and participate in community life. (Source: Better Streets)

Get Involved in the Better Streets Weekend

Bicycle NSW is excited to announce two Better Streets events happening this weekend in Wollongong and Sydney. These events bring together communities, advocacy groups, and politicians to promote safe and healthy streets that are accessible to everyone. A Better Street has space for people to linger and participate in community life. Traffic is slow and

Daily life on Australia’s arterial roads (Image: The Fifth Estate)

Cycling Our Way Out of Transport Poverty

Do you spend 10% or more of your disposable income on transport? Living in the country, with pot-holed roads and long-distance travel, or locked into a car finance scheme may find you spending in excess of 20%. Daily life on Australia’s arterial roads.  Terrible for all roads users but particularly for anyone walking or cycling.

The M4 cycleway near Parramatta. Photo credit: Brenden Wood

Strategic Cycleway Corridors Explained

Announcements and commitments are coming thick and fast about active transport as the NSW election looms.  An exciting moment was the release of networks plans for Strategic Cycleway Corridors for the Central River and Western Parkland Cities.  Bicycle NSW was consulted and we thank the wonderful Bicycle User Group advocates. They spent many hours compiling

Katy Freeway in Texas

Transurban Reaps Congestion Bonanza

Congestion is a hassle draining our time, will to live and accelerating global warming. But for Transurban, it’s a licence to print money.  In the last financial half year, Transurban recorded monster profits on the back of record traffic and inflation. Outgoing CEO Scott Charlton beamed, “We have seen record traffic in Brisbane, as well

cycling in the Hunter

Cycling in the Hunter

My partner and I fell in love with the Hunter after discovering its awesome gravel riding experiences about 12 months ago.   As an active transport and cycle tourism professional I was stoked to be offered a job last year in Newcastle. The role has allowed me to relocate and explore by bike to my

“My name is Alan and I have a wonderful life!” Zach Galifianakis with Stanley in "The Hangover Part III”

The Hangover of Motormonomania and The Cure

Motormonomania. Motor-mono-mania- Say it thrice and swallow. Motormonomania describes the madness that has conditioned us to accept the unacceptable when it comes to cars at the expense of everything else on the planet, planet included. “My name is Alan and I have a wonderful life!” Zach Galifianakis with Stanley in “The Hangover Part III” (Image:

Fabulous space for active transport on the Goods Line in Sydney

The First NSW Active Transport Strategy

As any bike rider knows, the best way to connect with Country is by walking and cycling on it.  We make around 1.5 billion walking and bike riding trips every year across NSW.  However, far more trips happen in private vehicles and the negative outcomes are very familiar – air pollution, congestion, poor health, inactivity,

Riders enjoy the Gears + Beers ride in the picturesque countryside around Wagga.

Road Safety, Rail Trails and Regional Resilience

Despite the challenges of distance, heat and speeding traffic, regional NSW has some spectacular opportunities for bike riding. Riders enjoy the Gears + Beers ride in the picturesque countryside around Wagga. All routes lead to a craft beer festival. Gears + Beers is fast becoming a must do event for cyclists who like quality beer


Hundreds more trees lost to the Warringah Freeway Upgrade  Residents living close to the High Street interchange awoke to arbourgeddon in the week before Christmas. Like a bomb, hundreds of trees and countless animals and birds who depended upon them for habitat were destroyed overnight. For the locals, many in modest flats, the trees provided