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Lots of gear can be carried on a bike with the right accessories!

Could You Use Your Car Less?

Let’s face it, we Aussies do love our cars. Cars represent prestige, wealth, freedom and convenience. Our culture has created the perception that cars are not only fun but essential. The reality is often quite different. Instead of providing freedom, cars bog us down with debt, reduce our transport choices and interfere with our good

New member, Tien commuting to work after dropping off the kids

Why We Back E-Bike Subsidies

On 19 August political and industry groups gathered for the inaugural Electric Vehicle (EV) Summit to discuss the rapid implementation of EV’s to tackle climate and cost of living pressures. This included subsidies and other measures to incentivise EV adoption and disincentive high emission vehicles. ‘But if we are serious about decarbonisation, we need to

Eden To Monaro Is Good To GO!

The successful passage of the Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill 2022 in the NSW Lower House has opened the door to the development of rail trails.  This means rail trails, an international movement responsible for massive boosts to regional businesses, tourism, health and resilience in every other state, can now happen in NSW. Grateful

Should I Get Bicycle and Riders Insurance?

Should I Get Bicycle and Riders Insurance?

As an enthusiastic cyclist and solicitor that is one of the most common questions, I get asked. It’s a complicated area but my answer is a resounding yes, particularly noting that not all injury accidents are covered by the NSW CTP scheme or workers compensation schemes. I have trauma insurance, life insurance and third-party liability

The Good Bollard

The Good Bollard

We’ve written about bad bollards creating havoc on cycleways. You may have run into one. Generally, bollards are not prescribed for cycleways except to prevent traffic intrusion, and even then, there should be ample space to allow, for example, a double pram or mobility scooter through without obstruction. Bollards as traffic calming, however, such as

The Good Bollard

Pedestrians First…

….. cyclists second, public transport third, delivery vehicles fourth….. and private vehicles last. The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Road User Space Allocation Policy sets out this hierarchy and aims to correct 70 years of urban design based on the motor vehicle.  Car-first thinking has resulted in congested, unsafe and uninviting streets and serious public health

Concept Design Sydney Harbour Bridge Cycleway Access Ramp Aerial View

Exciting Progress for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Ramp

The Sydney Harbour Bridge cycleway northern access ramp project is on track to fill a critical gap in the cycling network.   The days of having to haul your bike up 55 steps from Milsons Point to reach the cycleway on the western side of the bridge may soon be over!  And not a moment too

New friends from Japan in the garden with Francis O’Neill and Sarah Bickford of Bicycle NSW

Ehime – One Of The 7 Cycling Wonders

Bicycle NSW just had a meeting with a delegation from the Ministry of Tourism, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. They did not come to muck around. New friends from Japan in the garden with Francis O’Neill and Sarah Bickford of Bicycle NSW We didn’t have room for them in our tiny (but efficient office) so we gathered

Rail Trails Bill Passed

The Rail Trails Bill Has Been Passed!

Media Release Bicycle NSW is extremely grateful to all involved in the passing of the Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill 2022. As the peak bicycle advocacy group in NSW for over forty-five years with over 30 affiliated local Bicycle User Groups, “We are committed to ‘make NSW better for all bicycle riders’ from ages

The Big Bike Film Night

The Big Bike Film Night

The Big Bike Film Night is on a mission- bringing the best cycling short films from around the world together for you. Showcasing our 2022 collection that has everything a cycle-centric audience could want – action, drama, humour, and plenty of inspiration; the evening is unashamedly and utterly, utterly, utterly designed and devised for the