The successful passage of the Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill 2022 in the NSW Lower House has opened the door to the development of rail trails. This means rail trails, an international movement responsible for massive boosts to regional businesses, tourism, health and resilience in every other state, can now happen in NSW.
Grateful to Members and Friends
‘Bicycle NSW is extremely grateful to its members and friends for backing this campaign. The social and economic benefits to communities from Nimmitabel to Murwillumbah for years to come will be incalculable.’ Peter McLean CEO Bicycle NSW. ‘The other excellent thing is that it safeguards railways for the public- no more sell offs because the trains have stopped. They can be repurposed for public good until the trains return or remain exciting active transport corridors.’
![rail trails, are an international movement](
Photos courtesy of Friends of Monaro Rail Trail
Opportunity Snakes Through the Snowy Mountains
One particularly exciting (and bracing) opportunity snakes through the Snowy mountains. Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain announced that Labor will commit $1 million to begin works on the cycle trail along the disused rail corridor from Bombala to Queanbeyan. Once complete, the Eden to Monaro Rail Trail will stretch over 208km. The trail will run through Queanbeyan, Michelago, Bredbo, Cooma, Nimmitabel and Bombala,’ said Kristy McBain MP.
‘We have seen the enormous economic and social benefits that other rail trails have delivered for regional communities, and I can’t wait to see how the Monaro Rail Trail benefits towns along the trail – from Bombala to Queanbeyan.’
![rail trails, an international movement rail trails, are an international movement](
Photos courtesy of Monaro Rail Trail
Widespread Support
‘The project will preserve the Monaro’s rich rail heritage and create a unique cycling and tourist experience.’ President of MRT Inc, Mr. Ken Lister. There is widespread support including from adjoining landholders.
This commitment builds on strong partnerships between the Monaro Rail Trail Inc (MRT), Snowy Monaro Regional Council and the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council.
![Monaro Rail Trail rail trails, are an international movement](
Photos courtesy of Monaro Rail Trail
This first stage combined with a “precinct” trail currently under development will result in a much-needed boost to Bombala’s local economy. The trail will also diversify the region’s economy by introducing a world-class visitor attraction.
![Monaro’s rich rail heritage Monaro’s rich rail heritage](
Photos courtesy of Monaro Rail Trail
Future snow shelter for weary trekkers- just add a loft, panels and a charging station. Bring your warm things!