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Why ride to work?

Include E-bikes To Get Further On Climate, Faster

That’s our recommendation to the NSW EV Strategy and the combined advocacy submission to the National EV Strategy.  Mike Tomalaris and Tegan Mitchell of City of Sydney ride to work on their e-bikes (Image: Bicycle NSW) Success in the Senate to make EV fleets cheaper and greener is a step in the right direction, but

Heavily loaded bikes and a strong headwind! A tough day on the old road from Beltana to Copley (Image: Rosamund Burton)

An 800km South Australian Bike Adventure

Sydney bike rider and author Rosamund Burton has just published a new book, Whispering Wire, about tracing the Overland Telegraph Line from Adelaide to Darwin.  She wanted to move slowly across the country to absorb every detail of the journey. So Ros and her intrepid friend Fleur Dare set out to ride 800km from Adelaide

Western Distributor proposal

Western Distributor Proposal Out of Step With 21st Century Planning

Bicycle NSW joins the City of Sydney and pedestrian advocacy group WalkSydney in objecting to the unexpected proposal to ‘upgrade’ the Western Distributor The project involves: constructing a new on-ramp from Fig Street to the Western Distributor increasing the number of traffic lanes on Allen Street from 3 to 4 lanes and removing parking removing

Bikes On Buses and Trains for Multi-Modal Magic

Daily car trips (especially under 5 km) are unsustainable in so many ways Traffic congestion currently costs the Australian economy over $19.1 billion annually and is predicted to skyrocket to $36.9 billion by 2036. For many of us already faced with rising cost of living pressures, owning one car (let alone two) is becoming unfeasible.

Reframing bicycles – from recreation to transportation

Reframing Bicycles – from Recreation to Transportation

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes in the way people travel. Fewer cars on the road made it easier to appreciate how attractive our city streets look without traffic. More spaces for play, gatherings, cycling and walking.  Sadly, fewer cars on the road also encouraged speeding and dangerous driving. Pedestrian deaths were

The existing M7 corridor has a wide median that was intended for future dedicated public transport lanes (Source: TfNSW)

M7 Proposals Alarm Bicycle NSW and Blacktown Council

Toll giant Transurban has submitted an unsolicited proposal to the NSW Government to widen the Westlink M7 for 26km between the M5 interchange and Richmond Road. An extra lane each way will be constructed within the existing median.  Blacktown Council has strongly opposed the current plans.  Council fully agrees with our concerns that a wider

A shared path located largely in the rail corridor was promised by NSW Government in 2015. The plans are now completely different! (Source: Sutherland Shire Council)

Calling for a Safe Path Linking Sutherland to Cronulla

Transport for NSW is progressing its plans for Stage 2 of the Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL) to be located on streets outside the rail corridor.  Bicycle NSW is very concerned that optimal routes continue to be overlooked.  The current ‘preferred alignment’ risks creating infrastructure that is dangerous and falls well short of

Visitors trialling e-scooters

NSW E-Scooter Trial Safety and Rules

Have you been thinking of getting in on some e-scooter action, but are unsure of the Do’s and Don’ts of all things e-scooting? Then maybe – take time to read over the rules and e-scooter rider etiquette of the current NSW e-scooter trials below. You might be grateful and it could also save you fines

Lots of gear can be carried on a bike with the right accessories!

Could You Use Your Car Less?

Let’s face it, we Aussies do love our cars. Cars represent prestige, wealth, freedom and convenience. Our culture has created the perception that cars are not only fun but essential. The reality is often quite different. Instead of providing freedom, cars bog us down with debt, reduce our transport choices and interfere with our good

Eden To Monaro Is Good To GO!

The successful passage of the Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill 2022 in the NSW Lower House has opened the door to the development of rail trails.  This means rail trails, an international movement responsible for massive boosts to regional businesses, tourism, health and resilience in every other state, can now happen in NSW. Grateful