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A key ambition of the new Strategy is to support multi-modal transport options

Future Transport Strategy 2061 is Out!

The team at Bicycle NSW has taken a deep dive into the new Future Transport Strategy, attending an excellent presentation hosted by the Committee for Sydney and a webinar by Transport for NSW. We thought our friends and Members would be interested to learn more about the strategic directions that will inform future transport planning.

The recently completed separated cycleway on Miller Street in Pyrmont Bicycle NSW

How Active Leadership Supports Active Transport

10 years ago, nobody thought of Sydney as a bike-friendly city.  Policy decisions ‘actively’ discouraged cycling and politicians ripped out bike infrastructure.  The removal of the College Street cycleway under Minister for Roads Duncan Gay in 2015 still haunts the cycling community. Today, a new cycleway on College Street is under construction and Sydneysiders benefit

Micromobility in Chinatown

Future Infrastructure Now Needed

Aaron Gordons’s article, about e-bike infrastructure in America, considers a challenge that Australian bicycle advocates would be happy to have. With more people buying e-bikes in the US than EVs, American bicycle infrastructure is straining at the seams. This is because the increasing number of e-bikes are forced to compete on the small amount of

Bikes On Buses and Trains for Multi-Modal Magic

Daily car trips (especially under 5 km) are unsustainable in so many ways Traffic congestion currently costs the Australian economy over $19.1 billion annually and is predicted to skyrocket to $36.9 billion by 2036. For many of us already faced with rising cost of living pressures, owning one car (let alone two) is becoming unfeasible.

Reframing bicycles – from recreation to transportation

Reframing Bicycles – from Recreation to Transportation

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes in the way people travel. Fewer cars on the road made it easier to appreciate how attractive our city streets look without traffic. More spaces for play, gatherings, cycling and walking.  Sadly, fewer cars on the road also encouraged speeding and dangerous driving. Pedestrian deaths were

Visitors trialling e-scooters

NSW E-Scooter Trial Safety and Rules

Have you been thinking of getting in on some e-scooter action, but are unsure of the Do’s and Don’ts of all things e-scooting? Then maybe – take time to read over the rules and e-scooter rider etiquette of the current NSW e-scooter trials below. You might be grateful and it could also save you fines

Lots of gear can be carried on a bike with the right accessories!

Could You Use Your Car Less?

Let’s face it, we Aussies do love our cars. Cars represent prestige, wealth, freedom and convenience. Our culture has created the perception that cars are not only fun but essential. The reality is often quite different. Instead of providing freedom, cars bog us down with debt, reduce our transport choices and interfere with our good

New member, Tien commuting to work after dropping off the kids

Why We Back E-Bike Subsidies

On 19 August political and industry groups gathered for the inaugural Electric Vehicle (EV) Summit to discuss the rapid implementation of EV’s to tackle climate and cost of living pressures. This included subsidies and other measures to incentivise EV adoption and disincentive high emission vehicles. ‘But if we are serious about decarbonisation, we need to

The Good Bollard

The Good Bollard

We’ve written about bad bollards creating havoc on cycleways. You may have run into one. Generally, bollards are not prescribed for cycleways except to prevent traffic intrusion, and even then, there should be ample space to allow, for example, a double pram or mobility scooter through without obstruction. Bollards as traffic calming, however, such as

The Good Bollard

Pedestrians First…

….. cyclists second, public transport third, delivery vehicles fourth….. and private vehicles last. The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Road User Space Allocation Policy sets out this hierarchy and aims to correct 70 years of urban design based on the motor vehicle.  Car-first thinking has resulted in congested, unsafe and uninviting streets and serious public health