Construction is underway for the final stage of the Magenta Shared Pathway linking The Entrance with Toukley.
This includes a 3.7km, 3 metre-wide shared path running adjacent to Wilfred Barret Drive and the Wyrrabalong National Park. This will join The Entrance in the south with Toukley to the north. It will then complete the 47.5 km Tuggerah Lake Loop. And, weather permitting, construction is due for completion by the end of 2025.
A section of the Tuggerah Lake Loop skirting Canton Beach, Toukley (Credit:
The new shared pathway forms part of the 2900 NSW Coastline Cycleway route
This route is identified in the NSW Bike Plan 2010 as a continuous cycling and walking route. In fact, it plans to stretch the entire NSW coastline from Queensland to Victoria. “The Central Coast section is well served with 160km of cycle ways and shared paths," according to local rider Greg Holbut. "Not to mention fire trails, like Dillon’s Road and quiet country roads like Hidden Valley.”
The community is very excited about Magenta Shared Pathway
Progress on the Magenta Shared Pathway linking The Entrance to Toukley (Credit: Greg Holbut)
“This will pass through the famous red gum forest as well as wetlands, lake views and the Lilly Pilly Forest. Once completed, it will be possible to catch a train to Tuggerah. Then ride on safe cycle ways as far as Blue Haven skirting both Tuggerah and Budgewoi Lakes. With a bit of back road riding you can even take in the Norah Head lighthouse," said Greg.
The Tuggerah Lakes loop (light blue) contributes to the NSW Coastline Cycleway, shown in red
(Credit: Central Coast Bike Plan)
The Tuggerah Lake Loop enables visitors to view the lake from all sides (Credit:
“The Central Coast council is beavering away creating new paths and filling gaps in old ones.” For more regional cycleway information, Greg recommends the Transport for NSW Cycleway finder.
If you love safe cycleways…
We’d love you to join Bicycle NSW and support our advocacy for better infrastructure. Last year we managed to secure the Transport (Rail Trails) Amendment Bill 2022 which facilitates the development of rail trails in NSW. We’re also campaigning to allow bikes to be rolled onto trains. You will also ride easy, covered by our comprehensive insurance and enjoy many other Member-only benefits.