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Irresponsible Journalism

A person riding a bike has been demonized for obeying the law in a 7 News article. Yesterday, March 5, 7 News published a photograph of a person on their bike waiting at the front of a queue at a red traffic light, at a on-ramp to the Pacific Highway in NSW. Dylan Yasar, who

Competing To Deliver For Bikes

Bicycle NSW is pleased to see the current government trying to compete with the opposition on budget promises for active transport infrastructure if elected. Transport Minister Andrew Constance MP promised to more than double active transport spending over five years to over $600 million.  This is made up of $330 million for active transport, $285

Stop Active Transport Sabotage

The Sydney Gateway project proposes cutting connections to the well-used, shared path along Alexandra Canal.  This undermines an $80 million active transport investment by City of Sydney Council and Sydney Water. The Alexandra Canal cycleway connects Tempe and the southern suburbs to Sydney’s CBD and eastern suburbs, and connects to The Orbital – a critical

The Four-Wheeled Fallacy

Even as politicians promise more road building projects, we are falling out of love with driving. Almost every car advertisement shows a vehicle travelling rapidly on empty roads.  Manufacturers and marketers try to sell us the idea that car ownership is synonymous with freedom. This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Commuting by car involves

Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail Success

We are pleased to announce that Snowy Valleys Council have begun design, and will shortly begin construction, of the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail. The planned completion is set for 2020 and this rail trail will provide a test case and lessons to help the development of other rail trails in NSW. Bicycle NSW lent

The End and the Beginning

Riding to work can transform a boring commute into an economical, healthy, time-saving exercise. How that trip ends can make all the difference to you starting your day well and continuing to ride in future. Most riders will need somewhere to shower and change, a safe place to store their bike during the day and

Nelson Bay Crash – Assistance Request

On Sat 23/2/19 at around 6.20am a male and female were hit whilst riding bicycles north along Nelson Bay Road approximately 1km south of the intersection with Salamander Way. The riders allege they were struck from behind by a ute travelling northbound and knocked off their bikes. The driver did not stop. The riders were

Pedal Power!

Labor has pledged to spend $412 million over the next four years on the infrastructure we need for cycling and walking, more than double the expenditure figure given by the current transport minister. This adds to the commitment of $7 million for programs to get more children walking and cycling to school, and it represents

NSW Air Quality

Across NSW  dust, bushfires, pollen, the fossil fuel industry and motor vehicles all contribute to air pollution, but in Sydney motor vehicles contribute the lion’s share of emissions impacting our health. There are clear links between traffic pollution and cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and cancer and it can affect reproductive, urological and neurological systems. Vehicles

Riding to Work

Travel to and from work can become an opportunity, rather than a chore, if you are able to ride your bike. A third of Australians don’t get enough exercise to stay healthy.  Incorporating a 15 minute bike ride or walk to and from work could solve this problem. Some people need to drive a work