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Sydney Gateway Project Update

Bicycle NSW has worked closely with Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) and Councils over many years to ensure that the huge Sydney Gateway Project, which creates a new motorway connecting Westconnex at St Peters Interchange with the two terminals at Sydney Airport, delivers really positive outcomes for active transport. The advocacy efforts of the cycling community

City of Ryde Green Links Seeking Feedback

The City of Ryde is currently seeking community input to create a Masterplan for three new active transport corridors, known as ‘Green Links’. Source: City of Ryde The Green Links will create new cycling connections, and extend existing ones, to complete critical missing links between: Macquarie Park to West Ryde/Meadowbank and onwards to Parramatta, Rhodes

Increased funding for NSW bicycle infrastructure

In November, Bicycle NSW had the chance to meet with Rob Stokes MP, the then-new Transport Minister for NSW. As a change of Minister can often bring new ideas, perspectives and priorities to their portfolio, Bicycle NSW took the opportunity to make a few key suggestions to the Minister. Among these were that the government

Mike Tomalaris new ambassador

Mike Tomalaris Announced As Ambassador

Bicycle NSW is excited to announce that Mike Tomalaris has joined us as our Ambassador for the next 3 years. Mike has supported the growth of and interest in cycling for the past 30 years in his role at SBS, commentating on the Tour de France. He is also a keen recreational bicycle rider. Our

Peter McLean CEO

Bicycle NSW Introduces New CEO

Bicycle NSW is pleased to introduce our new CEO, Peter McLean. Peter joins us with extensive experience as a CEO at other Not for Profits and peak bodies, including Keep Australia Beautiful and Can Too Foundation. In those fields he has driven outcomes which positively impact the environment and communities, working with governments to gain their support for key initiatives

Adrian Boss Awarded OAM

Bicycle NSW is proud to announce that our long term cycling advocate and Bicycle NSW Member, Adrian Boss has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his outstanding service to the community in delivering cycling programs. Adrian Boss (far right) at the Cycling Without Age Trishaw Launch 2021   A lifelong rider, Adrian Boss

Sydney Harbour Bridge Cycleway Ramp Update

Last Monday, the NSW government revealed three potential designs for a new bike ramp on the northern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and is asking for feedback. Three potential designs for a new bike ramp on the northern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Despite being used by over two thousand cyclists a day,

Pedalling together

Bicycle NSW is pleased to see so much political agreement on what is needed for riders. We have come a long way since the ‘bad-old-days’ of the College St Cycleway removal.  Bicycle NSW now enjoys a high level of strategic and political support for the work we do to ‘make NSW better for all bicycle

Vintage bike standing against brick wall

Oxford Street Cycleway

Objections to safe cycling infrastructure on Oxford Street ignore the history of roads. Bicycle NSW has prepared a submission  on the proposed Oxford Street Cycleway, and we look forward to its construction.  Unfortunately, a handful of people have voiced objections, claiming bike infrastructure could threaten the historic nature of parts of Oxford Street. Historic images

Meeting the new Transport Minister

This week Bicycle NSW President and GM Advocacy & Public Affairs had the chance to meet with Rob Stokes MP, the new Transport Minister for NSW. Photo courtesy of City Of Sydney. Henderson Rd Pop-Up Cycleway. A change of Minister can bring new ideas, perspectives and priorities to their portfolio.  In this case there was