A 40km/h speed limit is a key action in 'Going Places', Inner West Council's Integrated Transport Strategy, to improve safety for all road users, particularly pedestrians and bike riders, throughout the local government area (Image: news.com.au/ Richard Walker)
Slowing traffic down improves everything about a place
Inner West Council wants to create sustainable, vibrant communities that are safe, accessible and active. King Street in Newtown would hugely benefit from lower speed limits (Image: Inner West Council)
A safer and more beautiful Inner West
One of the most prominent advantages of lowering speed limits is safety. That’s due to reduced speeds improving safety for all road users. Because drivers have more reaction time, significantly decreasing the likelihood of crashes. Moreover, when collisions occur, slower speeds mean reduced severity of injuries, saving lives and limiting trauma.
Councillor Pauline Lockie has long campaigned for lower speed limits. Inner West suburbs from Newtown and Marrickville to Ashfield and Haberfield will all be 40km/h (Image: Sydney Morning Herald / Dion Georgopoulos)
“Safer speed limits on our local roads have a minimal impact on drivers’ travel times…
...but a big impact on safety, place-making and our local environment,” said Councillor Pauline Lockie to the Sydney Morning Herald. "The Inner West @ 40 study found that 40km/h added a maximum of 26 seconds to travel times during the weekday peak. And 37 seconds on weekends.”
Speed kills on our suburban streets. And crash forces are 30% worse with large SUVs. (Image: Manly Observer/Bicycle NSW)
Slower streets are better for people and businesses
Lowering speed limits substantially reduces noise pollution, offering residents a more peaceful living environment. In addition, quiet streets enable kids to walk and cycle safely to school. This leads to massive long-term health and psychological benefits. What’s more, businesses thrive through increased footfall. Specifically: more people walking, wheeling and rolling serves businesses much better than cars flashing past at 50km/h+. The dead sections of Oxford Street, Victoria and Parramatta Roads exemplify the impact of speeding vehicles on what used to be thriving places. But these streets are now noisy, polluted traffic sewers festooned with graffiti and For Lease signs.
Boosting Active Transport
Reduced speed profoundly impacts active transportation, encouraging more people to choose sustainable modes of travel. Because when streets are perceived as safe and comfortable, more people walk and cycle rather than drive. We know this because, on average, at least 70% of Australians surveyed say that they would ride more if the streets were safer to do so. This reduction in car traffic ultimately reduces congestion and air pollution, which not only benefits the environment but also contributes to our health.
Have your say on Inner West Council’s proposals
The background study to support the lower speed limits is now on public exhibition. The study contains methodology, priorities and actions for future implementation. The Bicycle NSW submission is here.
We asked Inner West Council to get on and roll-out the change across the whole council area ASAP. And then develop a plan for 30km/h zones, with a focus on towns centres, schools and the Inner West Bicycle Network routes.
The plan for piecemeal implementation, endless business cases, more education campaigns and expensive street by street traffic calming just kicks the can down the road. There is no need for more ‘proof of concept’.
Key points and proposed safer speed limits (Inner West Council: Your Say)
Bicycle NSW's strong support for reducing speeds
“We thoroughly support the Inner West Council to follow through on this great proposal,” said Bicycle NSW CEO Peter McLean. “As soon as you slow traffic down, life returns to the streets. 40km/h already applies to the Balmain peninsula and most roads in the City of Sydney now have a 40km/h speed limit.”
“We urge Inner West Council to go further in places where there are lots of people or schools. Here the limit should be automatically dropped to 30km/h. In fact, some areas like Addison Road, Marrickville Road and King Street are begging for 30km/h. Over short trips 30km/h makes virtually zero difference. After all, what’s more important, a half minute time reduction or a child’s right to move safely? Lowering speed limits puts people first.”
When you combine reduced speed limits with separated cycleways, everybody wins. This excellent cycleway is in Stanmore (Image: Bicycle NSW)
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