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Sydney Gateway Project Update

Bicycle NSW has worked closely with Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) and Councils over many years to ensure that the huge Sydney Gateway Project, which creates a new motorway connecting Westconnex at St Peters Interchange with the two terminals at Sydney Airport, delivers really positive outcomes for active transport. The advocacy efforts of the cycling community

City of Ryde Green Links Seeking Feedback

The City of Ryde is currently seeking community input to create a Masterplan for three new active transport corridors, known as ‘Green Links’. Source: City of Ryde The Green Links will create new cycling connections, and extend existing ones, to complete critical missing links between: Macquarie Park to West Ryde/Meadowbank and onwards to Parramatta, Rhodes

Increased funding for NSW bicycle infrastructure

In November, Bicycle NSW had the chance to meet with Rob Stokes MP, the then-new Transport Minister for NSW. As a change of Minister can often bring new ideas, perspectives and priorities to their portfolio, Bicycle NSW took the opportunity to make a few key suggestions to the Minister. Among these were that the government

Cycle Against The Beast

On the 26th February 2022, Stephen Jones will depart from Cronulla on a 5,300 km cycling trip to raise money for research into Motor Neurone Disease.  From Stephen’s first trip: somewhere between South Gundagai and Wantabadgery Motor Neurone Disease – also known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s Disease – is a degenerative illness

risers at the top of Mt Koszi

Ride 4 Rescue MTB Charity Ride

Ride 4 Rescue is a charity bike organisation which is not just about fitness and fun, but their riders also help raise funds for two charities: The Blossom Project – ADRA and Restore One helping people in need in Vanuatu and Cambodia.    One of the Ride 4 Rescue rides, Capital2Koszi, is an off the

Bobbin Head Cycle Classic

On Sunday 27 March 2022, join thousands of cyclists for Sydney’s most exhilarating charity cycling event: The Bobbin Head Cycle Classic! The Bobbin Head Cycle Classic (or ‘Bobbo’) will attract thousands of cyclists eager to enjoy Sydney’s best bike ride. Starting and finishing in Turramurra (in Sydney’s Upper North Shore), the four distances take in

Kiama BUG on a beach ride

Getting Seniors On Their Bikes

Kiama Bicycle User Group (KBUG) is again proudly participating in NSW Seniors Festival (‘Seniors Week’ 25 March to 3 April 2022) by organising a local ride on 29 March. “The group is particularly excited and has put together a package to entice prospective participants to, as the theme for the week suggests, ReConnect”, said Warren

Ride Leader Course Workshop

Bicycle User Group (BUG) Presidents and Master Ride Leaders shared their experiences using the new Bicycle NSW Ride Leader Course, in a recent Zoom hook-up. The devolved course was launched in April 2021. BUGs have been training new Ride Leaders in anticipation of increasing community interest in joining rides, with the arrival of summer and

The Rise of E-Bikes

In NSW, e-bikes are continuing to increase in popularity. E-bikes (short for electric bicycles) are bikes that have an inbuilt electric motor providing assistance to the rider in addition to the pedals.  Under the Australian Vehicle Standards, e-bikes can be ridden on the road if the motor does not provide more than 250 watts of

Ocean Pool Odyssey

On 7 February 2022, Linda Cash and two of her female friends will start an 1800 km charity ride in Eden (near the border with Victoria) and finish in Tweed Heads (near the Queensland border).  Sawtell Memorial Rock Pool, from the agirlandher_ebike Instagram page. The ride will be completed on electric bikes (e-bikes) and follow