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Bicycle NSW takes the safety of all bike riders seriously, and lessons learned in Newcastle and central Sydney need to be applied to light rail in Parramatta.

You’ve seen in our content ‘how we roll’.  We invest in attending meetings, making submissions, developing resources and campaigning to improve infrastructure and safety standards. 

Light Rail

We ask for new projects to be built in accordance with the guidelines, regulations, laws and standards that were developed to keep bike riders safe.  We explain in our submissions, how to amend designs to reduce the financial cost of rework or the human cost of injuries and lives lost.

Bicycle NSW has also offered a new way of working to improve how designs and detours are developed, in order to protect riders and maximise community benefit.

So far, our reasonable requests for safer light rail designs in Parramatta have failed.  We’ve asked the State Member for Parramatta, the Hon. Dr Geoff Lee MP for his help. 

The current proposal undermines the State Government and Council’s efforts to improve local riding infrastructure, the need to decongest public transport to uphold COVID 19 measures, and current guidelines, laws and regulations.

“We know Geoff has supported safe cycling in his electorate, and we appreciate his help to ensure it continues,” said Bicycle NSW General Manager of Public Affairs, Bastien Wallace.

Hopefully Geoff’s efforts will help reduce safety issues and enable safe cycling to keep delivering for people who live, work, travel through or visit Parramatta.

Please help us support you to ride safe by sharing our content, tagging in your MP and Transport for NSW.

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