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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are all being asked to make changes to reduce transmission.

Group Riding

The Transport Minister has urged people to avoid using public transport.  For many this is impossible, but if more people ride bikes and walk, this helps free up space and reduces infection risk for those who need to use buses and trains.

Safety is the most common obstacle most people cite, when asked why they don't commute by bike.  Bicycle NSW has consistently called on the NSW Government and Councils to build bike infrastructure for everyone – so it’s safe for children and adults alike.

In order to encourage rapid mode-shift and minimise public transport crowding, the NSW Government has implemented lower speed zones in Manly and Liverpool, and funded pop-up cycleways in the City of Sydney that include physical separation of bike riders from cars.  They help address gaps in existing infrastructure, so people can safely complete their journeys.

Bicycle NSW CEO, Alistair Ferguson, gave these pop-ups a test ride last week.

The Bicycle NSW team, members and followers are diverse.  Women, men, parents, children, commuters, mountain-bike and recreational riders.

“The pop-ups are great, and they do feel safer,” said Bicycle NSW CEO, Alistair Ferguson.

But as a regular bicycle commuter and AFL player, more confident riders like Alistair weren’t who the pop-ups were trying to convince to shift mode.  When Bicycle NSW gave you the chance, most of you voted for physical separation too.

These pop-ups act to fill in gaps so people can connect their journeys, avoid heavy traffic, and they enable bike riders to play a part in reducing road and transport congestion to keep NSW COVID-Safe.  They align with plans to deliver a connected network of bike infrastructure, but they are a trial and need support if we want them to stay.

What can I do?

“Now we need to show our support, and help governments to keep us safe,” said Alistair.

You can do this by:

  1. Completing the survey on the City of Sydney pop-up cycleways
  2. Riding the cycleways in Sydney, 30km/h speed zones in Manly and Liverpool and sharing pictures and video
  3. Writing, emailing or tagging in your MP and local council on social media
  4. Sending a letter to your local paper – don’t forget to share if it’s printed

What if safe cycling pop-ups haven’t reached your area?  Share this article, tag in your Council, MP and elected councillor and tell them what you’d like, where you live.  We all love seeing your pictures and videos, family and pets included.  To share them we have some handles to tag below.

Transport Minister @Andrew Constance MP or Rural and Regional Roads Minister @Paul Toole MP @Transport for NSW @City of Sydney @Liverpool City Council Australia @Northern Beaches Council and you can search for your local and staterepresentatives hereand they love hearing from you. Of course don’t forget to include us @BicycleNSW  

Happy pedalling!

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