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Millions Approved For Bike Infrastructure In Wollongong

On Monday night, City of Wollongong Councillors unanimously supported a bright bike riding future for Wollongong by approving a $4 million budget and agreeing to exhibit the draft Cycling Plan 2030. Photo Credit Matt Loft Increase in Cycling Budget Over the next three years, the council will spend $1.8 million (including $875,000 from a government

More Funding For Bikes In NSW

Bicycle NSW and riders across the state can ask for change, but questions from MPs are impossible to ignore. A crucial part of the democratic process is that when MPs ask questions in Parliament they need to be answered, usually within 21 days. We have seen MPs raise issues and questions for bike riders in

Wollongong’s Cycling Future

Next Monday (June 29) the future of bike riding in Wollongong will be voted on by the local council. COVID-19 Pandemic has created an unprecedented time and there have been calls across the state for more infrastructure and support for bike riding.  Firstly, as a way to exercise when many gyms and sporting activities were

Sharing The Love Of Pop-Up Cycleways

As we see pop-up cycleways and lower speed zones established as part of COVID-19 measures, it’s important we share the love. Most bike riders know how strong objections can get to the removal of even one parking space to make riding safer.  Campaigns can involve ‘creative’ claims.  Suddenly a few lost car parks becomes hundreds,

COVID-Safe Online Learning For BUGs

As part of returning to sport and staying COVID-safe, Bicycle NSW has developed a resource for ride leaders, BUGs and members. Across Australia sports organisations are being asked to:       develop COVID-19 safety plans,       help participants practice good hygiene and stay safe,       prepare a response if a

SafeWork For Bike Riders

Our roads are workplaces for a range of people and now you can help make them safer for bike riders. Have you ever: tried to cycle past or through a construction site, only to be met with a dangerous hole or obstacle?  seen a worker on a bike forced onto a 3 lane motorway with

You Can Ride In Groups Up To 20 From Tomorrow

From tomorrow (June 13), groups of 20 will be allowed for non-contact training activities in NSW under the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.  Riding in groups of 10 has been allowed since May 15, but this further increase will be exciting information for many of our Bicycle User Groups. It is essential people still maintain 1.5m

Supporting NSW By Bike

Over the long weekend, it was as if a mass evacuation order had been given for Sydney. Excitingly, many of these people fleeing the confines of Sydney were heading out to see what NSW had to offer for bike riders.  Our #RideTheBush campaign encouraged riders to support regional NSW through drought, then bushfires. Now, we

A Tender To Make Light Rail Safer For Bike Riders

Bicycle NSW worked hard to seek an engineered solution and advocate for safer light rail for bike riders. Transport for NSW Calling For A Tender We are pleased to share the Transport for NSW tender advertisement calling for submissions from people who design and manufacture solutions.  With light rail in Newcastle, Sydney and soon to

Barriers To Women Bike Riding

Across Australia, our cities aren’t coping with the level of traffic congestion and pressure on public transport.  Greater Sydney has 5 million residents but only 1% cycle to work, opening up a travel opportunity. A recent report by the City of Sydney and C40 Cities looked at how women moved around Sydney, to help them