On the road we indicate intent, and depend on cooperation to change lane, turn and navigate a roundabout.

Merging At A Roundabout
Too often marked bike lanes vanish faster than an ice-block on a hot day, and riders need to merge into traffic to travel forwards, enter a roundabout or turn. Sometimes cars and obstacles in the bike lane can force riders into traffic as well.
In all but emergencies, bike riders should indicate and drivers should let them in. Allowing a rider to merge usually enables them to move more quickly out of the way of drivers.

When There Isn't Time To Indicate
In some situations, there isn’t time for a rider to indicate. A parked car door suddenly flung open, a pothole or a pedestrian stepping into the path of a rider, can mean cyclists have to swerve suddenly.
Avoiding sudden obstacles is the same for drivers, and riders need to leave enough space in case drivers need to stop suddenly. Some roads and bike lanes have more potholes or dangerous obstructions, and fallen branches after storms also create hazards.
“Safe driving and riding requires adjusting to the conditions and being prepared for change,” said Bicycle NSW General Manager of Public Affairs, Bastien Wallace.
“It also requires us to recognise things that may not impact us, but are a hazard for other types of road user,” said Bastien.
Bicycle NSW has a range of resources to help everyone have a safer journey. Why not check them out and share them with your family and friends.
Safety On Spokes
This article is a part of our 2 month Safety on Spokes Campaign where we cover a range of topics to make a better environment for bike riders in NSW.